poor resolution but great image… by pp.
helmut died and left us this cake
photo by helmut newton from the cyberwoman series, this is number 3, produced in limited prints at phillips auction… by xy
An Incomplete Dictionary of Show Birds – Luke Stephenson
by pp.
how many mesmerizing and fascinating princesses do you imagine there are out there?
latest editorial for CR fashion book by photographer brigitte niedermair. by lil
raquel in hercules mag
remember this story from paola kudacki? by pp.
jamie hawkesworth
what’s inside a jil sander bag? fashion not-so-vacant.
this is a lovely short film, directed by photographer-turned-director karen collins for vs magazine’s latest issue featuring model helena christensen and her counterpart matt clunan. we’ve gathered that the film is about a cat that eventually, got out of the bag. thus, unleashing a pandora’s box effect that reduced helena into a miniature figurine inside a jil sander bag, where–voila! she meets handsome matt. it’s in this magical entity that they find each other under a table and exchange notes. in all seriousness, we love the open-ended story, and as experts on women’s behavior we know how “every woman alive” not only wears chanel no. 5, but can also relate to the love triangle unleashed here. sometimes your competition is non-other than yourself, as elegantly reenacted here by the inimitable danish goddess, helena christensen…
director-karen collins, stylist-vibe dabelsteen, art direction-jakob f.s., set design-reynaldo, davis carter ford artists, hair-romina manenti see management, makeup-hung vanngo the wall group, manicure-dawn sterling melbourne artists management, models-helena christensen unsigned mgmt., matt clunan-ford models, post production advisor-ceft and company new york, editing-luis moreno jump, assistant editors-john dean & adrianna merlucci, finishing poetica, executive producer-alexandra leal jump edit, director of photography- shane sigler, music advisor-ucef hanjani, music composed & arranged by alto soundwaves, assistant director-paul malle, titles-ceft and company new york, fashion coordinator-sabine engesnes, location jack studios. by xy
Nicholas alan cope – whitewash
acne paper – the actress
today : butterflies
emmanuelle brisson
carlos amorales – black cloud – 2007
alexander mcqueen – savage beauty
sarah moon
when was last time you had butterflies in the stomach? by lil