nick tucker: primitive gold skate deck

riddin on gold, its so ghetto… but i want it

damn d we missed out on these!! solid gold it aint but sold out it is… nick tucker’s limited edition primitive gold skate deck made with 7 ply maple and topped with gold foil. you can ride wall street with this shit… now don’t tell anyone but it was priced at $54.95 and if you called now you’d get a pair of gold teeth to go with it. that’s cool… no matter if you get it or not. jeff koons would be proud. by dd

marble surfboards: mollusk, spaulings, hayden cox or alexander wang?

above: surf art not fashion

“the marble surfboards above were part of the belgian marbles show produced by the reena spaulings gallery; made of marble, they are precise copies of boards from the mollusk surf shop in brooklyn. spaulings is with an international group of artists who call themselves the bernadette corporation; the collective has produced films, a faux fashion label, albums, even a novel.” the surf boards are just a hobby on the side.

above: fashion not surf art

“haydenshapes founder hayden cox, has taken the artful practice and elevated it even further with a recent collaboration with fashion designer alexander wang.” hmmm im perhapse too lazy to research this given its god damn winter, but is this one-and-the-same? or some blatant rip-off festival?

adidas skateboard stan smith



did you know the grip on the stan smiths was based on snake skin?


and who knew? i had no idea stan smith had anything to do with skateboarding, let alone the gonz (mark gonzales) 

here’s a new take on the classic adidas stan smith. i suppose you can make it any color, and it will still be cool. love the two-tone grip sole, and personally, i think i’d take this over pharrell’s m+m color line. by dd

endless summer


just when we thought summer was over in new york, we have staggering temperatures into september, it definitely feels like an endless summer, and it makes us want to catch that wave one more time. by kt

Aaron “jaws” Homoki

aaron "jaws" homoki lands a huge ollie

our knees ache just from watching this. how long will jaws be the undisputed king of impact? it’s just mind blowing. by na