skate moss

jeff gaudinet’s accidental idea transformed into a great site.  if nothing else, at least these are beautiful and seeping with originality.  the rest can be seen here. thanks to the beautiful k for the find. by sv

Supreme store nyc: and the lines go on…

not all fans look like fans

ok we all loved supreme, and that red box with its bold type is pretty cool. but like all punk rock bands that start out cool and soon find a bunch of losers pretend moshing at their feet, supreme has also come full circle. maybe its all those lady gaga ads that did them in? i never really got that! i mean, what does supreme have in common with gaga or her fans?  i pass by the store often when in town, and i see the lines round the block like its “born this way” at ticketmaster and think to myself “who are these people?” they are nothing like what you’d think to see from supreme’s projected image, but rather a bunch of nerdy, zit faced, trust-fund masterbaters who line up the street mid-week, from morning to night, for a piece of that red tape. you can’t blame supreme for that, but it just makes things worse when you see the “store clerk” step out like henry rollins, fluff up and try and drop some attitude upon these god-forsaken souls. i mean yeah, that must feel really grand to boss around a bunch of  teenage nerds who are dying to buy your logo clad t-shirts… i would at least drop the facade and fess up to selling out, and when you do, this is who you get at your doorstep, so don’t act all evil. by pr

yummy saturdays black coffee skateboard decks

growing up in california, i kinda’ find anything surf related in manhattan to be rather pretentious, but i just cant help myself but want to buy a couple of these slick minimal decks from saturday’s surf on crosby street. you can have it in black if that’s how you take your coffee, or milky grey to your taste. by dd

celine sk8

celine trying to be street with daria werbowy and a skateboard, shot by juergen teller…kinda corny but i like it. not sure how i missed this, or graffiti artist kidult’s SK8 tag on the celine paris store, seems like a pretty convenient collab rather than a protest, either way i’m sure celine got some press out of it. by m+m

my best shot – ryan mcginley

great photographers talking about their favorite shots, this is another great article from the culture pages of the guardian. today, ryan mcginley. more to come.

“working on this series, 15 of us traveled to a new location every day, camping at night. after three weeks we got to this barn in marionville, missouri. I had wanted to shoot with hay for a while, as I have fond memories of Halloween hayrides as a child. I like the saturated colour of hay in photographs: the way it can be gathered easily, yet fill the air wildly.

the bales created a simple graphic background, and we had a gigantic inflatable air mattress, like the ones used by movie stuntmen. safety is always our biggest concern, so we start with low jumps and gradually get higher. public nudity is illegal in most places, so we have lookouts with walkie-talkies to let us know if there is a problem.

the model, amanda, emailed me through my website. I rarely cast anyone this way, but I’m glad I did because she is one of the best people I’ve ever worked with. some people fall like a ton of bricks but she fell like a feather, gracefully and slow. in this picture she is doing a flip and my assistants are throwing handfuls of hay simultaneously, with a fan blowing. It reminds me of The Wizard of Oz – but my own version, where Dorothy gets her clothes ripped off in the twister.

Falling is a movement that endlessly fascinates me. I guess this action traces back to activities from my youth: skateboarding or diving from stages or into pools. I want to capture the feeling of weightlessness I would get jumping from a speaker and landing in a crowd, or flipping backwards off a diving board.

I love Amanda’s face in this photo: she looks like she’s in a trance within the chaos of the hay. I shot for about four hours, rotating models. I never know who is going to end up in the final shot, or if there will even be a successful image. I guess that’s the fun part for me: finding the moment where everything lines up. Not knowing what’s going to come back is like a present: it’s the poetry of chaos.”

by pp+tg