a short film by skateboard photographer and filmmaker william strobeck. with appearances by chris kennedy, chloe sevigny, lizzi bougatsos, william’s mom, lilly ludlow, natasha lyonne, alex olson and more. enjoy. by m+m
drifters reggae on a wednesday
all day, everyday. the amazing song is crop circle jerk ’94 by megapuss. video is surfishin’ from Fábio Siebert. by ak
Album Covers: Babes Forever – Brandon Biondo
released 11 august 2010 on cool runnings, a bit guitarded but still… check out “trippin’ balls at der wienerschnitzel“. by xy
next ski season: to explore strange new worlds, to boldly go where no man has gone before…
colorado’s own cowboy billy kidd and suzy chaffee explore middle east ski slopes in the now axis of evil, iran… mind you this was in 1978 just before all the boogie began. next year, G.O.P. willing… by ars
surfs up… well not yet really
zermatt… maybe for when you are done with tahoe
ski bunny: iselin steiro by mikael jansson
lets go surfin’: ski vs. snowboard
Child’s play: 6 year old skater Asher Bradshaw rips it in the bowl in Venice
for karen, violaine and all the little ones out there. you can do it… by dd
never too young to start
cory lopez taking his little one for a quick swim in the ocean. by jr
big wave surfers: volume 1
mike parsons. extended video here. by jr