robert longo for brooklyn surfer

“I developed the Brooklyn Surfer logo from a memory I had of being at the beach near Rockaway in Brooklyn. It was late in the day, the sun was bright, hanging low in the sky. As I looked west, down the shoreline into the setting sun, I saw in the distance the sharp silhouettes of surfers holding their boards checking out the surf. This image was burned into my brain. Rockaway is Brooklyn. Brooklyn may sound like an unlikely location for a surf spot, but in reality it is a real location with a decent break and at times some serious swells. It is a unique surfing experience. An extraordinary collision of urban and surf cultures. Not far form the beaches are the basketball black tops of city legends and the subway stations where many of the surfers arrive coming off the trains with their boards heading for the beach and the breaks.” i personally always thought that new york and surfing were kind of an absurd duo but whatever dude. by dd

ARTISTS WHO SURF: robert longo

for those of us on the east coast, the last dregs of summer bring the big waves generated by hurricanes born in the south atlantic. the unrelenting shore break drags posh beachfront real estate and frolicking beach-goers right out to sea without prejudice. this is the best time of year for east coast surfers, it certainly is for me. but this summer, the biggest waves I’ve seen are on paper in robert longo’s studio. We’ve had shit for surf all summer because there haven’t been any hurricanes.

earlier in the summer i decided to do a video project that i’m calling “artists who surf.” it is the perfect no-brainer, a moderate amount of studio interview time and a whole lot of surf time. robert longo, bill komoski and michael halsband were my first choices among a growing list artist-surfers. the way I see it, a good art video is one with a little chat with an interesting artist and then a lot of wave action. don’t you agree? read more from artnet