quote of the day

‘… the prevalent sensation of oneself as a separate ego enclosed in a bag of skin is a hallucination which underlies the misuse of technology for the violent subjugation of man’s natural environment…”

the book: on the taboo against knowing who you are

-alan watts


i’ve always loved the mushroom cut. it’s a strange thing to admit as it’s inherently unattractive… or at least un-sexy. but there’s something about the tidy graphic softness that makes sense. the only problem is i can’t find any successful examples on light blonds, maybe ce n’est pas possible? the only one that comes close, on our dear siri is way off… what do you think, should i go for it, yay or nay? by kl

oh shelley

trying to enjoy a day out in paris in -5 °C cold weather is not exactly the ideal situation, but for some reason upon returning to my cozy hotel–this clip made me smile.

best known for three women? i actually haven’t seen all the way through. will have to if anything as a gesture of gratitude. by kl