A dead marcel proust

marcel proust as photographed by emmanuel radnitzky also known to friends and family as man ray. as far as i know marcel was simply sick in bed…. as usual and pre dead years. long-live his long novels. by dd

Street Level – by Robert Brownjohn

first published in 1961, robert brownjohn’s images of street typeography opened design filtered eyes and minds to the beauty and nuances of ‘naive’ type. that either created without contemporary intent or without design intent at all. there is beauty whenever you not only look, but see. by kl


i prefer a nice bourbon but this made me smile a bit right down to the shakespearean title.  ah, the simplicity of 1952 in america.  what the hell happened? by sv

rust and bone – audiard

a bit overdue since it was out early last year in the rest of the world but only last month for us suckers here in the us, audiard’s rust and bone is a hell of a great movie. definitely a must be considered film, if not a must see. by pp.

Eastern Dub: Dub Davami by Mahmood Schricker featuring Namjoo

beautifully atmospheric; dreamy choreography and sound… i’m a big rhythm & sound fan and i can see the homage paid here.  however, the eastern vocals take this to a new stratosphere. if you are into minimal dub (rhythm & sound, basic channel, etc) and care to experiment with world music this is your ultimate answer, free download here.  sponsored by the ontario arts council. if you are into dance also check out this previous beautiful post. by kc