1965 Ford GT40

an ultra-rare ford gt40 is estimated to reach $3million at an auction in arizona. the ford gt40 was the result of an upset henry ford II, after ford motor company bought ferrari and invested millions towards the enzo. henry then directed his racing division to develop an endurance racer capable of beating ferrari on the world stage, and the ford gt40 went on to beat ferrari and to win at le mans in 1966, 1967, 1968 and 1969. by cp

new york, new york

last winter i went to see ‘shame’ in the theaters, and despite the rampant nudity, glory holes, and sexual innuendos projecting off the screen—this fully clothed and melancholy rendition of the city namesake tune is what stuck in my head.  i am currently mad at new york, and have been surrounding myself with city related tunes in order to mediate those feelings.  not especially a huge carey mulligan fan, but this tear sodden version will be on many playlists for years to come. by sv


clae are the best non-skate skate shoe. taking extra steps by using premium leathers and materials, and emphasizing uncommon comfort and versatility. by cp

art of ironing: silver star

i stopped meditation and quit yoga five years ago, instead i’ve been ironing my own shirts… better than anyone in this world. video link. looking for a decent iron, i was directed to silverstar by the ‘pros’, the very ones i don’t use much. a full review is certain. until then, happy ironing. p.s. the inset painting (ricard canal’s self portrait) is completely unrelated. he just looked too dashing to pass. by dd

TS down: debbie harry / ddos / anonymous / reddit / blondie

as you may have noticed, ts went down for over a day last week, and we shuffled about trying to figure out what had happened. the servers were throttling out of control and ts was being hit by over 9,000 simultaneous hits every 15 min and kept going up. it was pretty clear it was a ddos attack, or so we thought. that is to say, hackers who hijack numerous computers across the globe (possibly yours) as zombie modules and then send a code at any given time for all units to connect to a specific url, crashing the servers. this is of course what anonymous did to master-card and the CIA websites taking them down temporarily… but of all places in the world, who would bother attack ts? after all we actually like hackers much better than slackers. it was a puzzle, but after hours of digging around to locate source, traffic, pages, setting up cloud flair, requiring browser checks, and switch-limiting ts to specific IP addresses we discovered that someone had kindly posted a link from ts onto the “social media outlet” reddit and all that drama was simply reddit’s overzealous readers:

one of the comments read: “it looks like they (TS) are doing browser checks now because they think they’re getting DDoS’d. damn, reddit.”

hell of a following you got mister “noneed2powertrip”! now you ask what link? it was the debbie harry playboy pics go figure, but don’t crash us again… by ts