Monogamy is for Narcissists

“love has little to do with sex, and sex has nothing to do with love”

i think the discussion today warrants such a post. “monogamy is for narcissists”. these were the wise words of james brown… not the god-father of soul, lord bless his sex machine, but actually a good friend of mine who aint’ funky nor black. i didn’t need to research to conclude my philosophy on this which is basically that the taboo of sex is not only as absurd as god itself, like god its purely man-made. it serves to mask what we call “jealousy” and insecurity, both of which are unfortunate bodily-functions, that should at best be kept in the privacy of a bathroom. “the taboo of sex”s most useful function to date has been to sell us everything from lipstick, to clothes, to cars, to bras, to drinks, botox and cigarettes. almost every product has been marketed at one point or another with the promise of what should otherwise be prevalent, like the air we breath. but for all you obedient folks that will not dare question this, here’s a bit of research:

excerpts – “… today couples are led to believe that waning sexual passion, in enduring marriages, or sexual interest in anyone but their partner, portend a failed relationship, when in reality these things often signify nothing more than that we are simply humans or homo sapiens. our ancestors evolved in small-scale, highly egalitarian foraging groups that shared almost everything. anthropologists have demonstrated time and again that immediate-return hunter-gatherer societies are nearly universal in their so-called “fierce egalitarianism.” sharing is not just encouraged; it’s mandatory. most foragers divide and distribute food equitably, breast-feed one another’s babies, have little or no privacy from one another, and depend upon each other every day for survival. monogamy is simply un-natural to our being, and while we can choose what we wish, just as we can choose to be vegans, we can decide to lead sexually monogamous lives. but couples would be wise to remember that just because you’ve chosen to be vegan, it’s utterly natural to yearn for an occasional bacon cheeseburger.” christopher ryan  by xy

arguably the most beautiful table in the world

sometimes it take a plumber to cook the finest meal, and sometimes it takes an artist to make the most beautiful furniture… well maybe the plumber shouldn’t touch the food but the artist part is quite true.

“i’ve always questioned design of what i’ve seen and i’ve always designed the things and spaces around me” donald judd by ht

Hermés paperweight: beautiful knight in shining wood

i so want one! this hermes pleiade horse paperweight is carved out of palissander wood which is rich in aromatic oils and a native of tropical regions of central and south america, africa, madagascar and southern asia. the wood is used in chess pieces of high quality but this one is over 6′ high and carries a substantial weight. limited numbers made available at hermes. yum!  by dd

and then…he licked me!

leos carax’s short from the film tokyo also featured MERDE and his foolish shenanigans.  take a peek at some of them here, but most certainly watch the entire short if you have the chance.  i saw it in the theater, and have been laughing ever since. by sv

Leos Carax latest film Holy Motors staring Denis Lavant

 denis lavant in one of his many reincarnations

eva mendes as the graveyard model who gets kidnapped

leos carax’s ode or jab at the cgi and motion capture film industry


trailer for leos carax’s latest film holy motors

saw this film tonight, and what a wild ride that was. highly recommended. if you are a leos carax fan you will probably see this, as it’s his first film in 13 years. i will not tell you much about it as i highly suggest you go in without knowing anything. i knew just the basic premise, and i can tell you that stopped the film from being as great as it could be. think mullholand drive, breathless, pixar’s cars, american musicals, horror films, and then some… go in, sit back, and let it take you for a crazy ride. it surely is not your usual blockbuster. it’s witty, strange, and fantastic. by dd