incredible endangered goat specie that according to folklore, has the ability to kill and eat snakes. the markhor is sought after by the local people, who believe that the foam like substance it produces is an extract for snake poison from snake bitten wounds and by hunters who collect their horns. by cp
and the award goes to…(almost) an entire continent!
the nobel peace prize. it seems odd to me that a ‘prize’ is necessary at all, in other words, isn’t the mere notion of giving and encouraging peace rewarding enough? well, i suppose that’s besides the point, and SOMEtimes humans can be outstanding, but those individuals are few and far between. (gandhi never got one did he? and obama did, albeit prematurely…) anyway, this years’ nobel peace prize has been awarded to the european union, “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe”. although, the last time i checked, the union has only been the union since mitterand and kohl established it as so in 1993. doesn’t quite add up to sixty years, but we get the point, we are talking about the origins in the ECSC and the EEC which is completely legitimate i suppose. i am truly trying to play devil’s advocate here; if you think about it, the EU has come light years from where they were decades ago. tumultuous wars, disintegrating world powers, ego fights of the most treacherous and monumental kind…and here we are. sure, there are still some serious economic difficulties and peril, but as much as it pains me to say, those things are often inevitable, especially in a world like ours. citizens in athens are up in arms about this award, where germans are happy and feel as if their work and struggle has paid off in a way. but now the $1.2 million dollar question—where is the check going to go, and who is it going to be awarded to come this december in oslo? this is when we will truly see the demonstrative nature of peace. by sv
costco returns to the business of selling fine art?
costco is famous for stretching the dollar. from groceries to electronics, beauty supplies to sporting goods and now it’s adding something else to its inventory: fine art. now shoppers can add an original warhol, braqueor or matisse, to their on-line shopping cart. by cp
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
and it went something like this… imagine marcel duchamp meeting gabriel garcía márquez. i’ll have to read that cp. by dd
quote of the day
“…if beneath all our criticisms and detestations of America’s vulgarity, misuse of power, and sheer pompous stupidity there has been still some optimistic love affair with the secret potentialities of this nation, some buried unvoiced faith that the nature of America was finally good, and not evil, well, that faith has taken a pistol whipping in the last months. the romance seems not even tragic or doomed, but dirty and misplaced.”
-norman mailer, cannibals and christians
lionel hun: dance of hope
you may have seen this but i like it as the movements are less literal and more liquid. a nice mixture of street and classical done well. here is lionel hun dancer/choreographer performing in tokyo during the tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. four days after he evacuated to macau where he decided to express his love for japan by making this performance. by kc
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
“the year i turned ninety, i wanted to give myself the gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin.” – gabriel garcía márquez. by cp
more goude, here the “pre-photoshop” steps of goude’s famous pictures for the cover of grace jones’s island life record. all of these with a pair of scissors and a brush… lovely! by pp.
ultra bunny: the 3rd album
free download of the album for a limited time starting october13. made in connecticut, USA. see ultra bunny live in brooklyn this sat the 13th. rock on bunny. by xy
swedish deco film confections
bela and boris in the same film, with a story written by poe nonetheless. the actual tale of the black cat is quite short, i remember reading it as a creepy adolescent. despite that, it has been made into two (that i know of) full length films, both with merits to share. i came across these swedish movie posters, and you can check out the full list here. by sv
poor karol karol. you’ll feel better in about another hour into the film, don’t worry. by sv
quote of the day
“there are things i can’t force. i must adjust. there are times when the greatest change needed is a change of my viewpoint.
-dennis diderot