thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season

T. S. Eliot – Gerontion by poetictouch

an audio of thomas stearns eliot reading his 1920 piece gerontion. the poem represents the view of a gerontic or elderly man and his Modernist views on religion and sexuality, amongst other topics. although the line, “thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season” is a metaphor for age, I thought it would be rather fitting for this peculiar new york weather we’ve been having. plus, I cannot think of a more satisfying way to hear eliot read than by the genius himself.

by sv

gorgeous days

at least it’s a gorgeous day in new york, and even though we don’t have psychedelic, rugged nature staring us in the face, it still makes you appreciate that we get to enjoy a day like today. are we a little bit deist? at least a smidgen?  by kl


i wish i could find out something about this kimberly brand. nada. the only thing i know is that they were one of the many advertisers (especially compared to today) during the 60’s-70’s using illustration. but wait, isn’t that jean shrimpton in the middle? maybe that unsuspecting shoot by david bailey helped establish this new grammar of seeing, and eased a little more creative storytelling in the more personally identifiable and coy medium of photography that we all love so much.  by kl

My Mistakes Were Made For You love

the last shadow puppets-my mistakes were made for you

i really care about the lyrics, and while i am not so educated about music, i am sensitive with words.  this song reminds me a bit of nihilism, or looking at smoke… by ars