and now for some fake news: but a fun documentary – the dubious friends of donald trump

look at that pretty deal-maker face… and those gull wing collars on that jacket! def not a  loser!

this is a documentary about “…trump’s business and personal ties to oligarchs from the former soviet union, and their connections with the netherlands…”

part II: why is oprah the screen shot for this film when shes completely irrelevant to the film? – Aha! this is a black conspiracy… clearly!

part II covers “donald trump’s controversial friends, including billionaire Lev Leviev, suspected of trading in blood diamonds. He is one of the world’s biggest diamond traders and owns prestigious stores in new york and moscow, but he is also the owner of siebel, the netherlands’ biggest jewellery chain. leviev has ties with russian president putin, US president trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner. trump, however, claims he hardly knows this “king of diamonds.”

who made this documentary? zembla. they are a dutch television program. the documentaries are based on in-depth research. a documentary in 2001 about fraud in the dutch construction sector led to parliamentary inquiries. in may 2006, the program exposed the fact that politician ayaan hirsi ali had lied in her claim for asylum, which led to her resignation from parliament. this documentary was made in 2017 it has not lead to any resignations yet! more on zembla.

happy watching and for any accurate reporting please refer to breitbart news, or your facebook feed from friends. by ar

glen luchford and beyond: gucci FW2017 campaign

image from gucci FW2017 campaign by photographer/director glen luchford

richard carlson, julia adams: the creature from the black lagoon

gucci and beyond fall winter 2017 campaign – star-trek

at the controls

star-trek cosmic beauties

gucci FW2017 glasses – green paint optional

glen of glenda? more like vulcan…

and here’s a clip from the master that won us over, this definitely wants to be a motion campaign and not a still…

the cat is so awesome, and the camera shakes, on the floor amazing… we want to see more please

a few of our selects from gucci’s creative director alessandro michele’s fall collection

can not think of a better person to shoot this piece of work than our beloved, sir glen luchford. what a massively fun shoot and it surely shows. the fun and the joy of putting this together comes right through to the finished work, and what a breath of fresh air in our dusty commercialized and lifeless world of fashion advertising. this loving homage to kitsch sci-fi horror films and bygone days of late night TV, stands the hell out from everything that is out there. much credit is due to art director, christopher simmonds, which i reckon dreamed up the initial idea (with glen perhaps) and sold it in to gucci’s creative director, alessandro michele. again the work is only as good as a client lets you create, so credits to you all, but no one could have pulled this off to our satisfaction like glen. aside from his early prada campaign this is for sure the next favorite. proof that LA doesn’t ruin everything that touches it after all. a big ballsy statement for gucci who was suffering some downturns. this will definitely help the top tier take notice, but good luck selling these clothes. (just watch, everyone will be walking down broadway in no time sporting star-trek outfits). much love… by cm

the special AKA : some advice on your racist friend…

the special AKA – “racist friend” by jerry dammers and his coventry based band

if the recent events in charlottesville, virginia (featuring the despicable kkk left overs, the white-supremacist, and the nazi alt-right) has had a silver lining, it’s that it made us all go and re-buy the specials (and AKA) albums all over again. it’s remarkable if not insane, that we still have to deal with such none-sense in 2017! #ignorance… (if only it worked on the web) beautiful song and a great trumpet riff that just fails to become irrelevant… if you like this check out our older post on “the nelson mandela song” written by jerry dammers for mandela before his release and election to south africa’s first black president (sounds like an oxymoron – first black president in south africa!!) o.k. children, its your future not ours, good luck, and good night… by dd

enlightened by the reverend (baron)

 danny garcia (DGar)

rio view by reverend baron from the album by the same title, acoustic piano version

what a find… so happy to have discovered this gem… excerpts from an interview below:

“danny garcia nosegrinded into the southern california skateboarding scene during the late ’90s, quickly making appearances in professional videos and earning sponsorships from big names like quiksilver, etc. now the local favorite nicknamed DGar has added another, more musical moniker: reverend baron. “it is fun to have a name, to have a different personality,” he explains. contrary to the tag’s religious undertones, his music takes on darker folk qualities, with dreamy melodies supporting tales of broken love and everyday hardships. another skateboarder-turned-songwriter. “i’ve always played music,” garcia explains, but “the last 10 years have been a little more (devoted) to playing with different people and learning different things, and advance myself in a different direction.”

“when i was young, i watched skate videos all the time,” he recalls. “at that point, the ’90s and early 2000s, skateboarding videos didn’t have to get rights to use music, because they were all small-scale – they just got away with it. they could just use anything, so i heard van morrison’s stuff and the band love, cream and things like that. “there’s no reason for that name,” he says. “i think matt thought of it. i think we were just talking about making a record, just recording a group of songs. that idea was just a name for a project. “the name is one thing, but you end up defining it. you end up making it. so it could be whatever it is.”  by uh

brilliant: surf punk and a whole lot of kitsch to go with that…

cindy cruz of B52’s

the B52’s: “dance this mess around,” downtown cafe in atlanta, georgia in 1978 – now you know where the talking heads took their cues…

fred schneider of the B52’s

the B52’s “planet claire,” and its exceptionally brilliant long intro, a total fu to the rules of pop radio – november 1980 capital theater

cindy cruz and fred schneider

the B52’s “give me back my man” – early years… you may have to watch this one on youtube sorry!

…and if by any chance you are not into politics, and simply want to escape to a time when all we american had to worry about was how to party, here is the ultimate kitsch punk band that never got the credit it deserved.

these guys clearly didn’t take themselves too seriously, but i must say that in hind-site, they were punk as f#@k, more punk than the circle jerks and definitely more punk than the sex pistols. they were cool without trying to be cool, punk with out claiming to be punk. they had fun and did what they wanted until of course fame took over, and as the saying goes, radio killed the real super stars. i’d give my left arm to see them live in some santa monica venue back in the late 70’s… although i just learned they were not even from california, but rather from athens, giorgia!!! who says a dead man cant fart? (some of you may understand that better than others). by ac

oliver stones granted exclusive access to putin

following up on the political thread, after you have watched citzenfour and risk you should definitely set a side time for the up and coming four part mini series by oliver stone on showtime. oliver stone was granted exclusive access to putin, we cant wait to see the whole thing..  by kt

when in london…

untitled XIX, 2015, 1 of 16 from “a lexicon of paisley” – by leonora hamill: mixed media collage, printed matter and jacquard fabric, 25 x 31 cm, unique

love the series by our artist/photographer friend leonora hamill, currently on display in london at the podbielski contemporary. “a lexicon of paisley” is a series of twenty-six collages that constitute a visual index of the paisley motif. the works return to the persian origins of the motif called botehwhich encapsulates a variety of botanical forms. against a backdrop spanning the british industrial revolution, the napoleonic era and the summer of love, the series pays homage to paisley fabrication techniques as well as to early photographic processes. it evokes the simultaneous conflict and symbiosis between east and west, past and present, and craftsmanship and manufacturing processes. podbielski contemporary somerset house, strand, london WC2R 1LA. if you are there check it out. by uh