a sweet tale of hypocrisy and the american grandeur… by no means is this a commentary on the obesity issue occupying our police force. this is rather a directive to the unprecedented pepper spraying of the peaceful demonstrators who simply ask for the wealthy to contribute their share of taxes just like we do, not more and not less, just the same amount. unlike you, we are not as greedy, so we ask for the same. thank you for spicing up our boring lives. by dd
famous guns – john lennon assassination gun
to continue on the celebs gun series, today is not as funny, a dude called chapman used it to kill mister john lennon. still by henry leutwiler by pp.
louise bourgeois – fabric work 2
few month ago, i found some fabric work by the late louise bourgeois, it felt really fresh at the time. now i found some more and they feel even freshier… by pp.
bond headlocks bardot
celebrity arrest: even max dembo gets arrested – mugshot 7
more maurizio cattelan work
famous guns – elvis presley
to pick on your celeb mugshot obsession, let’s start a celeb guns series by photographer henry leutwyler. today, elvis. by pp.
tomorrow show with the ramones
interview and performance on the tomorrow show in 1981… fitting for ts! by jr
i don’t know a lot about this photographer lady besides that she was born in roma and lives between here and there; but, what i do know is that her pictures rock! by pp.
celebrity arrest: even the greats get arrested – mugshot 6
walton ford – king kong
“i don’t like to look at him, jack. it makes me think of that awful day on the island.”
for those who haven’t seen it yet, the above sentence is the enigmatic title of this walton ford show at paul kasmin (until x-mas). it’s about king kong’s feelings and it’s grand. those watercolors are the size of a street advertisement, gigantic! and yes you read well, this is watercolor, and yes it’s on paper. by pp.