this blog is a visual notebook of inspirations for a group of bandit bloggers. we post things we see and like. our lives don’t revolve around singular topics and neither does our blog. sorry! nothing is in-or-out of context here. enjoy xx
fleet ilya leather cross back bra photographed by rita minissi
hand crafted fetish is the founding aesthetic of the leather accessory collection named fleet ilya. artist rita minissi’s explored the collection through her photographic lens in the images above. one can view more of this project as well as rita minissi’s complete body of work on instagram thingspowerthemselves. some of the traditional saddle making techniques used to produce fleet ilya are artfully revealed in this black and white video. by jj
the lingering obsession with antonioni’s 1966 film blow up might have been answered in an upcoming book titled the antonioni adventure by george porcari.
excerpt from page 84 and 85
“siegfried kracauer described the detective as an essentially modern figure who is on a rational quest for meaning and narrative closure. it is the detective who uses logic, keen observation and deductive skills to assemble fragmentary details into a meaningful narrative and thereby arrive at the truth, but does he? blow-up is a meditation on this question.” – george porcari
observing life’s narrative, to search for a truth that may or may not be obtainable, might be exactly what creates intrigue. for me, i can’t help but meditate on that. by jj
gucci 2017 pre fall campaign by photographer glen luchford
long version – directors cut of the clip
brilliant casting by shay nielsen (malick sidibe),
“i wanna live like common people (the ones who can afford gucci that is)”
love this retro fun shoot for gucci – knowing glen and his interests i can see references from perry henzell “the harder they come,” jarvis cocker’s pulp video choreography, rockers and glen luchford basic brilliance. well done glen, new direction for you, but you can make anything look good son. by uh
for those of you who save your cycling for europe because you’re not into dorky helmets or lugging clumsy equipment into the office, there are now a few convenient collapsible versions to check out. Such as this little number by closca. by KL
us elections 2016: which guy had the loud voice? couldn’t be rand paul… maybe ben carson? naaah. jeb? sorry i meant jeb! help us out please…
one man’s promise to the great german people: “… to overturn the terrible, terrible, treaties that made germany weak, and prayed upon by other countries. to bring pride back to the humble and good people, and make deutschland great again. specifically the middle and lower classes who he was to defend from the elite. he leveraged their desperation and fears. he promised to bring stability to the german citizens who were afraid of foreign ideologies (in that case communism). the turmoil and aftermath of the stock market crash, simmered up hate for the status-que, so much so that it even prompted big business to contribute funds to help his party. he asserted that germany was weak, corrupt and in a state of immediate collapse, he deflected all such responsibility to the immigrants, with tremendously alien religions (in that case the jewish people) and promoted a new future to make germany great again.” the rest, as they say, is history.
the good news is, adolf hitler was not as orange as donald trump, and he never admitted to grabbing any fräulein by the pussy… however… he did comb his hair to one-side, screamed at the top of his lungs, used hand gestures when speaking, belittled everyone around him, and had delusional knack for “winning” battles. now go figure! by xy
after posting the previous “kenya” west post, one of our beloved collaborators and kanye believer, HK, sent me this clip above, and wrote a few words. so in our ongoing attempt to emulate “the pinnacle of pop culture journalism” (that would be fox news: fair and balanced of course!!) i’m posting this pro kanye vid and our correspondence below which you may find funny.
HK: “watch this. you can’t say this guy is not dope?”
DD: “dude i fail to find any substance here… for me at least… i have no doubt kanye wants to innovate and be a true artist in his own right, but sadly hes incapable of that… because hes naive and uninformed, he’s a simplistic child who’s concerns have not gone past chicks, sex, dick, rebellion and self fame, all of which he explores on the very surface… even after his fame and wealth he still remains a desperate and insecure child wanting to be accepted and praised. not only by the millions of fools he already has, but also by the cultural elite… i would give him an A for effort; vanessa beecroft i like, alejandro jodorowsky i like (even though i never took him seriously, with his fashionable multi culti film that became hot again 10 years ago, but sure nice aesthetic – but not a real players to me), david attenborough i like, he even had some sugimoto thrown in there at some point… all references i could appreciate, but it all comes down to “intent”. they are all accumulated and used on the surface (maybe kanye liked the colors? maybe he liked the naked hot babes? maybe he thought sharks are wicked and manly? maybe he heard this is “hot shit right now”?) he uses culture like a tag, a gucci encrusted shirt you wear to show off, never knowing why… all this is painfully transparent, and it quickly evaporates. as for the people involved, i’m sure they all need and appreciate kanyes fortunes. in a way i almost feel sad for him on some level… but then again i shouldn’t! because ignorance is indeed bliss and i’m sure kanye’s happy and on cloud nine at this very moment… he has his millions of fans, i think it’s ok for me not to be one of them. i mean lets be serious, this man looked around, and of all the passionate people involved in literature, arts, science, music, which he supposedly loves, he chose kim kardashian as his soulmate… as the one person to share his life and his “so advanced” thoughts? let’s not drink the coolaid (i just saw the docu on jim jones by the way)?
HK: ha ha, can’t defend the kim move other then shaped by his up bringing. only bad thing you are not seeing is how he is breaking crazy new ground for the hiphop genre, but also setting a new standard for pop music performance in general. i think probably also you are hating on him bringing all of this into the mainstream realm, you want to have your little elitist heros “only you” know about, and he made it big time so he can pick and choose and brings it to the forefront of pop culture. compare him to any rapper or other pop cultural figure, and take into account his upbringing as a low income kid from south side of chicago, murder capital of the world, where 99% of the people you see are dead, in jail or just mad fucked up and see what he chooses to do, and then you will have to respect him!
DD: love you HK you are such a sweety pie. you know pop culture bores me to death when it doesn’t drive me insane, but sure, u know i sympathize with my brothers, i’ll give kanye credit for not being dead, in jail, or mad fucked up. see i’m reasonable and quite flexible. xx by dd+hk
timmy thomas 1973 single “why can’t we live together”.
not only a great track, one that sade also covered beautifully, it’s perhaps even more relevant today than ever. and the video is pretty awesome too, could have been done yesterday – lo-fi brooklyn style. also listen carefully and you’ll hear drake’s hotline bling source sample… maybe donald trump can hijack this song too for his next town hall debate? funky days at TS. by dd
just 10 years old – and ripping it!! angelina jordan.
our dear friend, per heimly, in oslo-norway just shot this beautiful little video of 10 year old angelina jordan doing a cover of screamin’ jay hawkins’ “i put a spell on you”. now that would be a tough one to take on if you are a 200 pound black brother, but for a skinny little white girl to attempt screaming jay? now that’s damn courageous girl. well done, we love it! by hk
the new supersonic jet to replace the concord for the same price as today’s business class.
meet boom. boom is a prototype for a new supersonic passenger airplane that will be able to fly new york to london in just 3.5 hours, slightly quicker than concorde used to. but here’s the best part, boom states that it is using existing technologies to keep costs low, and the business model is based on flights being about the same price as a current business class is today, that is approx $2500 each way. apparently boom is already in development and test flights are planned for late 2017. fasten your seat belts, were coming to london for dinner. read more about boom supersonic jets here. by ac
30-minute meditation with the transportive power of sound.
with all the drama, screaming, moaning and groaning that we do over here, we occasionally take some time to set our mind straight. these meditations from ‘welcome earth’ are pretty dope, they are free, but you do have to register via email… pop in your headphones and let this one settle in, you can always thank us later. by hk
she’s back and she’s the newly appointed ambassador for puma… i was never a huge fan but i guess this works, for a photoshoot outside of katz’s deli of a girl walking a dog. not too sure what this has to do with puma and their new ‘do you’ campaign, maybe i’m missing something, or maybe it’s ‘fashion’. by lb