this blog is a visual notebook of inspirations for a group of bandit bloggers. we post things we see and like. our lives don’t revolve around singular topics and neither does our blog. sorry! nothing is in-or-out of context here. enjoy xx
watch the oscar shortlisted film “from ground zero” extended schedule through january 23rd at the quad theater in west village NYC. check showtimes here.
22 short films, by 22 young and seasoned directors, filmed in war-torn gaza as recently as oct 2024. please see showtime for MN, CA, WI, VA, TN, FL and many more U.S. states…
“it’s an honor to stand in solidarity” – michael moore director of roger and me, bowling for columnine, fahrenheit 9/11, and sicko.
from executive producer michael moore and palestine’s official submission for the 2025 academy awards, “from ground zero”, is a collection of revealing stories from 22 palestinian filmmakers living through war, who capture their lives in gaza amidst war. using a blend of animation, documentary, and fiction, they create a powerful testament to the steadfastness of the human spirit. this film serves as a remarkable reflection of how art can thrive even in the darkest times, showcasing the enduring spirit and creativity that emerge amid ongoing devastation. please check for showtimes here. by dd
could it be? nice low pockets on the tail – looks like a proper fit finally!
this is what happens when the marketing team at your company is fast asleep and clueless to the pulse on the street. every time i drop $300 on a pair of APCs, or worse $200 on a pair of levi’s E by END 568 i curse old levi’s for dropping the ball on the game. all this talk of japanese denim is really old original american denim before levi’s opted for shit mills to make that thin garbage denim. how was it that in the UK levi’s engineered jeans could produce awesome cuts and style and the US just cruised through mediocrity? how is it that a collab item with levi’s is a better denim than levi’s itself? like undercover knows more about denim than fuckin levis!!!
high snobiety, as usual hyping up whomever advertises with them, had this to say “ it’s no secret that levi’s knows denim. after all, you don’t get a beyoncé co-sign by being average. but levi’s blue tab collection extends beyond your classic pair of blue jeans. levi’s is entering a new era with blue tab, a new collection that transforms the brand’s specialty — denim basics — into dressed-up statement pieces (canadian tuxedo). if levi’s orange tab line is for a younger, more experimental crowd, blue tab is its sophisticated, older sibling. but it’s not just the sophisticated silhouettes that set this collection apart — it’s the textiles, too. levi’s blue tab experiments with selvage denim adding another degree of elegance to the collection.”
now i don’t know about “stylish” and “tuxedo” its a pair of fucking jeans. its just not cut to fit dorks anymore. also who gives a shit about a “beyoncé co-sign” – i mean that’s one sure way to show u are completely out of touch with cool. finally the quality and fit are still to be judged. its not like they cant do it, because they invented it… the question is do they really want to do it right or do they still wanna hit every marketing marker? i’m hopeful and looking forward to seeing the blue tab levi’s out and checking out its “actual value”. by nwa
just learned about fred, thanks to amy goodman… heres what i found:
“as a youth, fred hampton was gifted both in the classroom and athletically, and hoped to play center field for the yankees…
at 10 years old, he started hosting weekend breakfasts for other children from the neighborhood, cooking the meals himself in what could be described as a precursor to the panthers’ free breakfast program.
vox: “why the US government murdered fred hampton”
in 1968, hampton was accused of assaulting an ice cream truck driver, stealing $71 worth of ice cream bars, and giving them to kids in the street. he was convicted in may 1969 and served time in prison.
democracy now: “the assassination of fred hampton: new documents reveal involvement of FBI director j. edgar hoover”
we know this is how russia is run, and uganda under amin, and iran, but does this shit happen in france? or in canada? or in norway?
“hampton rose quickly in the BPP based on his organizing skills, and charisma… in 1969, hampton, now deputy chairman of the black panthers party illinois chapter, conducted a meeting condemning sexism. the fbi believed that hampton’s leadership and talent for communication made him a major threat… FBI director j edgar hoover was determined to prevent the formation of a cohesive black movement in the united states. the FBI opened a file on hampton in 1967…
in late 1968, the FBI’s chicago field office recruited william o’neal to work with it; he had recently been arrested twice for interstate car theft and impersonating a federal officer. in exchange for having his felony charges dropped and receiving a monthly stipend, o’neal agreed to infiltrate the BPP as a counterintelligence operative. with oneals help fred hampton was shot in bed, in the head, while drugged and incapacitated from the night before by the imposter, william o’neal, the FBI informant.” i mean wholly shit. they drugged him, and then they shot him in the head, i mean what cowards, what bastards…. assuming all this is true. by xy
the aptly named water proof chelsea boot (sola 2.0)… if you plan on going swimming in the new york sewers this is the boot you’ll need…
you know, some smart shit comes out of norway here and there… there was the incredible magnus carlsen…
we’ll assign the brown water resistant kastel x vibram lyngen slip-fit boot to
the “tall wolf” or otherwise “finish the job” erling haaland from the norwegian national team and later premier league manchester city
we’ll assign the coal black version with vibram sole technology to
and finally the gorgeous SIRI, the one your iphone was named after (google it), yes SIGRID siri tollerod the fashion queen…
whom we’ll assign the white water resistant kastel lyngen slip-fit boot to.
happy hunting for that right boot this winter, which you can call your own. what we love about these guys is that they say “sustainability is complex. just like saying 30% less sugar isn’t sugar-free, we don’t just claim to be sustainable.our approach involves bold experiments in materials, design… viable ideas become pilot products, and successful pilots set new standards of innovation…” sustainability is not just a phrase but rather “forever ongoing”… cheers to that… by ts
israelism is a 2023 american documentary, made before the october 7th war, about the portrayal of the israeli–palestinian conflict in american jewish institutions.
the film focuses on the perspectives of simone zimmerman and another jewish american, a former IDF soldier eitan, following them as they learn more about the treatment of palestinians and come to revise their views on israel.
winner of best feature documentary, and top audience award at the san francisco jewish film festival
winner of spirit award at brooklyn international film festival
directed by erin axelman and sam eilertsen, it has screened at various film festivals in the united states and won a brooklyn film festival spirit award. the film is critical of israel’s treatment of palestinians, and of the american jewish community’s education on the israeli–palestinian conflict.
it follows two american jews as they learn about the conflict and come to revise their views. the film also includes interviews with academics and political activists. by dd
general idi amin dada – a self portrait movie poster
poor barbet schroeder he did do some good films too… here is one… a great documentary on the leader of uganda, general idi amin dada who was initially baked and empowered by the british, then made a fool off and ousted by the west. he was brutal dictator who was put into power to wrangle his people, not to meddle in the wests business. non the less the movie gave a great insight to this mans ego mania and absolute power. we got one of those in american now. by dd
olivia singer of wonderland magazine discusses the role of beauty in life, feminism and instagramming cats with alt-porn star, stoya.
stoya was born to a scottish father and a serbian mother.
porn star stoya was the first ‘alt-porn’ girl to be signed to a contract by digital playground, one of the commercial powerhouses of the pornographic industry. raucously outspoken about what sex on camera means to her and the artifice manifested in her performances, writing about queer culture and heteronormativity for vice whilst instagramming her cats, she doesn’t conform to what we she doesn’t acquiesce to typically assumed conventions of adult performers.
polaroids of stoya, she is is an american semi-retired pornographic actress, model, and nonfiction writer.
home-schooled by a feminist mother in north carolina, she now exists between new york where she works on performance art and los angeles, with her porn star boyfriend.
olivia singer spoke with her about growing up in a powerfully liberal environment, what it’s like not looking like the rest of the digital playground girls and how many exfoliators she uses to keep her looking camera-sex-ready.
thank you so much for agreeing to talk to us about this stuff, i think your perspective on beauty and performance is really interesting…
i feel a personal responsibility to talk about the realities of all of this. in porn work, the actual videos and photo shoots for porn magazines, beauty is very overdone: tons of makeup, overdrawn lips, glossy. and then, all of the photoshop that gets piled on and then the ungodly amount of money and time that i spend on exfoliating and moisturizing and hair removal on top of that. maybe to some people i look awesome even with no makeup on, but all of this work that goes into that even that would be ridiculous if i was a secretary or a professional writer. when i retire and what i look like no longer directly affects my bank account, hell no, i’m not going to spend that much on face cream! that would be absurd!
she began her porn career in 2007 in the alt porn scene. as a child, she wanted to become a dancer, and started dance lessons at the age of three. she was home-schooled and received her high-school diploma before the age of sixteen.
there’s such a culture right now of examining women in the public eye with an hd lens and criticizing them for how they exist ‘off-camera’, but you’re so honest about yourself online.
i think it will be wonderful that so many people are growing up in public right now. at some point in the fairly near future, we’re gonna have to really come to terms with the fact that everyone has fucked up in public to some degree and then we’ll hopefully start to give everybody a bit of a break. what entertains me no end is that people look at me and are like, ‘you could be my daughter, you look like the girls my daughter hangs out with’ and they have to rethink the humanity of performers. it’s pretty cool. and on top of that, i just decided to get fucked in the ass on hd video and after the inside of your rectum is available in matte high definition on demand, it’s pretty hard to get embarrassed about anything. oh, you have a picture of me throwing up in a lemonade container? cool. the whole of the internet can see the inside of my asshole!
did you grow up with a sense of freedom about yourself and your body?
yeah, my mum is awesome. i was home-schooled with her. she was very active in women’s rights and i just grew up thinking, ‘right! it’s my body, i can do whatever i want, i can do whatever i want with career options and whatever i want with who i choose to interact with in a sexual way.’ i had this wonderful sense of entitlement to just be a person. but then what t i wanted to do was have sex in public on camera – and not only do that but do it in a very false eyelashes, high heels, all the aesthetics of the patriarchy kind of way. so she was a little bit bumpy for a few years… but she’s coming around.
i was intrigued that digital playground has offered you free breast implants when your aesthetic angle is so much about being lean and sexy in a less conventional way.
a lot of girls come into this because they want to be a porn star, and they have an idea of what a porn star is. and that involves huge breasts; if they weren’t born with huge breasts, then they wanna have ‘em anyway. so i took it as digital being very kind but not knowing my personality very well. most of the contract girls over the years at all of the different companies have had very large breasts. [laughs] there was one point where we were all bunched up for some picture at a convention and i looked around and suddenly felt, ‘wow! i’m the only one here that’s really pale and has small breasts and dark hair, i feel kind of gangly and awkward, this must be like what puberty was like for most people!’
her father worked as an IT consultant, stoya had access to electronics and gaming equipment, through which she developed her love of technology. “i was three when i was using DOS. my mom taught me how to read, and my dad taught me how to navigate DOS”
that’s funny. with how you present yourself aesthetically, did you grow up looking up to skinny, pretty, goth-y looking ladies?
i grew up looking up to margot fontaine, and simultaneously looking up to and wanting to choke my mother. but makeup for me was a stage-only thing: i wanted to be a ballerina, so it was that horrible baby blue eyeshadow up to your eyebrows and lipstick on your cheeks. i wasn’t messing around with it until i was 13, when i went through my goth phase and drew all over my face with liquid eyeliner and would wear purple lipstick with craft glitter pressed into it. then, for the signings and being on set and all of that, there’s always a makeup artist that takes care of that stuff for you. so i started thinking about it more, like, ‘oh if i wear just mascara on the upper eyelashes and little bit of concealer, i look so professional and trustworthy and polished.’ and it became this whole fun thing, another way of how you present yourself to the world.
are there any cosmetics that you particularly into? you must have the best exfoliator in the world.
there’s a rice powder from pacha. and i’ve been spending a lot of time in southern california because my boyfriend lives here, and the air is so dry! there’s this brightening serum, and almond oil, both from l’occitane, and i slather myself in that stuff head to toe like four times a day.
polaroid above
so are you in la full time now?
all my shoes moved here. and my three cats. that’s pretty much the barometer of where i live.
for me, it’s my cosmetics.
UK fashion publication – pop magazine stylist tamara rothstein and (non polaroid photography) of stoya by sean & sang
you should be a beauty editor and get sent stuff!
i do get sent stuff sometimes and it’s amazing… the novelty doesn’t wear off, either, every time i get a free lipstick i’m like, ‘oh my god, free lipstick, my teenage dreams come true!’
vice news explicit interview with stoya – sorry youtube requires a login
when i was a kid, i wanted to perform in new york, surrounded by lunatics and rhinestones and have wonderful artist friends. and every time i trip over a stray rhinestone that’s come off one of my costumes, i think, ‘man, my life is so cool!’ i want to go back in time to the little home-schooled girl who had corrective lenses and a lazy eye and braces and a back brace for scoliosis…
i just wanna go back and be like ‘hang in there! it’ll be alright!’ i would also give her some makeup grade glitter instead of that craft stuff. i don’t want her to ruin her gastrointestinal tract. by lb
jeans, jeans, jeans… doing some research on jeans. no one brand or fit is right for everyone. i loved the APC selvedge jeans for years but don’t love the cuts any more. my fav is still maybe the levis engineered jeans of the late 90s… but good luck finding a new one – i have found some random brands using selvedge jeans materials but they are way too expensive these days. alternatively indigo dyed denim can work, it has a similar deep color but not as dense and rugged as the selvedge. selvedge denims are made from denim that is woven using a shuttle loom, which creates a strong, durable weave and a self-finished edge that prevents unraveling. to identify selvedge jeans, you can look at the inside of the outseam. if the edges look finished and the yarns of the self-edge are a different color than the fabric, then it’s selvedge. but like i said they are stiff and they bleed. n one thing is right for everyone. what ever you do never wash your denim. by uh