nick cave – soundsuits

“nick cave is an artist who makes costumes for sculpture. actually, the costumes are the sculptures. he calls them “soundsuits,” because they’re loud. pitched at a decibel the eye can hear, they armor the body in dyed feathers, brilliant sequins, bugle beads and fake flowers, thatched twigs, strips of old sweaters and gaggles of pipe cleaners. they may have tall chairs or wicker baskets for heads. there’s no way to know if they’re male or female, or of what race or class, but they’re too dazzling for anyone to care.”

not the nick cave you think about, though it’s music related since those amazing costumes are featured in alvin ailey shows. mr. cave himself a former dancer for ailey, now turned artist knows what he’s talking about when it comes to dance. now on show at mary boon read more here by pp’


“understood in its metaphysical sense, beauty is one of the manifestations of the absolute being. emanating from the harmonious rays of the divine plan, it crosses the intellectual plane to shine once again across the natural plane, where it darkens into matter.”

—jean delville

wagon wheel – old crow medicine show

my favorite song this week. the actual ‘official video’ for the produced version of this song is absolutely horrendous, it almost ruined it for me, so i figured i’d spare all y’all and give you the only other version i could find online. not much better, but at least they’re not perfectly styled pioneer hipsters, and it’s a great song. by kl

in love with alexey, how bazaar

how cool was alexey brodovitch back in his day! diana vreeland wasn’t the only progressive nut-ball making harper’s bazaar amazing from the 30’s to the 60’s.


alexey was prominently influential in introducing into the united states the radically simplified graphic design of modernism. through his teaching, he created a generation of designers sympathetic to his belief in the primacy of visual freshness and immediacy. fascinated with photography, he made it the backbone of modern magazine design as photography was previously used sparingly, and he fostered the development of an expressionistic, almost primal style of picture-taking that became the dominant style of photographic practice in the 1950s.

basically, brodovitch is the model for the modern magazine art director. he did not simply arrange photographs, illustrations and type on the page, actively conceived and commissioned all forms of visual communications, as well as specializing in discovering and showcasing young and unknown talent. his first assistant in new york was irving penn. he also nurtured photographers such as leslie gill, richard avedon and hiro.


his impact on media, fashion and editorial expressions of harper’s bazaar made him a bit of a celebrity… for example, the film funny face which starred fred astaire as a photographer much like avedon, named its art-director character “dovitch.” by kl

steve just left and apple already sucks

click on the image to enlarge


i went to purchase a few songs on itunes and i got this? so much for all the praise for apple. can some one please explain what the hell does this sentence mean? if you had written this in 8th grade you would have failed your paper. its not even a sentence.


i quote: “notification of an additional type of previously-purchased content may be subsequently downloaded to certain computers and devices as an accommodation to you. subject to existing association rules; and that content may be played back on certain devices that are not subject to existing association rules, with limitations.”


it is clearly written in a way to confuse the hell out of the user. its absolute nonsense. are they changing the rules so “your previous purchases can no longer be played on multiple devices?” i cant make sense of it! i cancelled my planned purchase of the songs till further notice, and i’m a little pissed. and i’m not alone… here is another user and his question on apple support: “The new terms and conditions for the iTunes Store say that each device can only be associated with a single account, and you can only switch them once every 90 days. I have accounts in different countries because I’ve lived in different places. How is this going to affect me? Am I going to lose access to half of my apps?” by dd