Musical chairs… anyone?

i forever and will always have a place for woodwork in my heart and this piece definitely found a spot in there. created by Kraud this piece entitled “Stuhlhockerbank” will sure spark a conversation or two.


“Stuhlhockerbank is a series of seating for public spaces that approach users and viewers in an extraordinary way. The dividing lines between different types of furniture (chair, stool, bench) are eliminated as the three types blend. The results are immobile constellations that express a person’s inner stance in the particular situation.”

check out their other pieces you wont be disappointment. by jr

Krishnamurti – The Real Revolution

today’s ultimate irony was that i earnestly attempted to watch this series of a documentary on (not philosopher or religious leader) but ‘thinker’ jiddu krishnamurti while multitasking, doing research, and liking images on tumblr. it’s typical for new york to inflict ADD on its citizens, but i don’t like that excuse. i think i have some work to do. step one, sit through four hours of half-speed musings life, or read some of thisby kl

love, it’s the most important quality a revolutionary must possess –ernesto “che” guevara

after that post on hemingway and castro, i ended up watching the 4 hour IFC film “che” directed by steven soderbergh and starring benicio del toro (who won at the cannes film festival for best actor) as a convincing, despite slightly overweight, ernesto che guevara. the film is in spanish with an english subtitle. it’s the best film i’ve seen on che, and despite it’s high budget production, it retains the grit of the era. love the vintage documentary footage mixed in with the grainy b&w mockumentary footage and the high-def muted color film. with the UN in full swing right now it’s worth a watch just to hear che’s 1965 UN speech. beautifully romantic and idealistic. by xy

no photo – tom ford

seen on fantastic man, great!:


“Photographing everything and throwing every random image on Facebook is the new stalking, and a sign of bad manners, which is what provoked designer Mr. TOM FORD to hand out the card as shown above to his audience on Sunday night’s womenswear show in London. Indeed, photography should be an act of consideration, not something to do just out of total boredom. Also, one should trust one’s memory more often.”

by pp+fm