the Vignale Maserati Mexico: 1966 coupe tipo 112

here is another one of my favorites. the maserati mexico has a good story behind it; it was never meant to be a production car. the one of a kind body was originally designed in 1964 for an “important mexican client” to include 4 seats and a powerful V8 engine. the important mexican crashed the car soon after delivery, and sent it right back to italy along with its 5000GT chasis. it was referred to, at the factory, as the “mexico” for that very reason. ironically, maserati won the mexican grand prix the following year and the model was then shown in 1965 in torino. it was so well received that a limited series were produced and released at the paris show the following year, 1966. while the car was quite fancy for the time its funny to note that, radio was an optional accessory on a maserati in 1966. this one (above specimen) has an after market unit glued to the console below the lovely toggle switches! shame. by dd

the $28,000,000 “x-rated teen” t-shirt from Urban Outfitters?

did i miss something? x rated?

model hailey clauson

LA photographer jason lee perry’s images were sold supposedly without the models “consent on the usage” (bad! bad! bad!) countering a lawsuit by the models parents. what happened was, that this was an early test-shoot when model hailey clauson was 15 years old (or rather under 16 like 99.9 % of all models now). she has since become quite a success shooting for gucci and the like. now, sounds like haley’s luxury career didnt quite jive with the cheap t’s sold at corner stores. agent try’s to resolve to no avail. opportunity knocks when “child modeling” becomes topical issue on american TV broadcasted to a “puritan society”, calling the image on this t (in the lawsuit), an “x-rated images of our daughter”!!… (bad! bad! bad people) someone help tell these good parents that modeling isn’t exactly a convent school, maybe you should not be shopping your poor 9 year old daughter around and taking her out of school to sell someones rags! or maybe we should hold parents mental IQ responsible for not attending these shoots? its like “mom. meet olivier zahn, really swell guy” or “dad this is terry richardson, doesnt he look funny?”…. god!!!! do we not take any responsibility? now they want to get paid too for being retarded parents? aaaaargh…. jr, when was jesus coming again? by dd

italy, france, england and libya: a love story

one disturbing, sexist, ruler kisses another


can buy me love, love, love

my how times change… quickly. it was just yesterday, when i was shocked to hear that gaddafi was suddenly forgiven for his involvement in the terror bombing over lockerbie and surprisingly taken off the terrorist list. why? he was then invited as guest of honor, were he met his match – M. berlusconi – and became italy’s biggest trade partner (buying a stake of about 2% in fiat, 7.5% of juventus, and 7.5% in unicredit bank, etc). within months he was back on the shit list for “harming his subjects”. well… i’m glad we went in and “stopped the killing” (of course many more have been killed at the hands of foreign supported rebels and french sorties than by the evil dictator himself). so it surely wasn’t humanitarian reasons nor the kindness of strangers that got them involved. one should wonder what was (and is) really going on at the expense of ordinary people?  by ec

rizzoli – louis vuitton

after the beautiful book on maison martin margiela, rizzoli has a new beautiful book in the pipes, not that the brand is as appealing as MMM but the book design look awesome! ex-“work in progress”, li inc studio is responsible for this beautiful stack of papers, can’t wait to have a look at that… ok, i’m a little book nerding here, i agree. by pp.

shikai tseng – photosensitive

recently graduated from the london’ royal college of art, shikai tseng is covering vases with photo sensitive solution before placing them into a case that will act like a pinhole camera and expose the vases, it’s beautiful and very poetic if you ask me. video here by pp