slimane turns his camera from the rocksters to the rollsters! still yum! by dd
jimi hendrix: trivia tapes on Electric Ladyland
rock on: “hendrix got into trouble with the law twice for riding in stolen cars. he was given a choice between spending two years in prison or joining the army. hendrix chose the latter and enlisted on may 31, 1961. after completing basic training, he was assigned to the 101st airborne division in kentucky. his commanding officers and fellow soldiers considered him to be a sub-par soldier: he slept while on duty, had little regard for regulations, required constant supervision, and showed no skill as a marksman.” my kinda guy. by dd
quote of the day – tim barber
“I’ve never had a fuck photography moment” here
by pp.
un FXCK my world
Grrrr too
Dear dd,
for all you art makers
hipster trap: brooklyn new york
vintage vibes: we’ve come a long ways baby!
second installment of the perfect case
my everlasting search for the perfect elegant, sleek yet functional cases lives on. these are brought to you by pack & smooch.
by jr
john waters – on books (on sex)
found it on olt blog, couldn’t agree more! happy monday. by pp.