vans+hermes or the other way round

i know it’s been around a lot on blogs but that’s really cool whatsoever. stylist robert verdi (no idea who the guy is and seeing what comes up when google him, not sure i want to know) anyway, he had his entry at vans and a stack of hermes scarves which turned into those fab shoes. ok that’s a bit futile and too much for an everyday use but some people can get away with it can’t they? by pp.

the imperialists are still alive: my first film

saw this film tonight on netflix simply because i liked the poster graphics. after a few minutes in, i was about to skip the film, but then entered the “sweet mexican boy”, jose maria de tavira and i gave him a chance. it’s not a “great” film by any means, but a good first film by a daring woman who tackles a worthy topic.  the film, written and directed by zeina durra, follows french actress elodie bouchez as the jordanian, bosnian, palestinian, french born trustafarian living in NY pursuing what any rich young person would, if they could… art. the artists house maid and the margiela bag sequence are fun little anecdotes in an otherwise paranoid atmosphere. if you are a new yorker you’ll probably recognize some of the usual fixtures and characters in the LES and china town hoods. unfortunately this film does not pass the rigorous test to be posted under our “must see films” but it is a film worth a watch or it wouldn’t even be here. by dd

the sacred act of eating eggs

take a moment to think about the act of eating an egg. do pro lifers eat eggs? i guess they also hunt verging extinct species from perches and flying things. an egg is a precious thing to sacrifice to your breakfast. and do men consume eggs differently than women? interesting. take a moment and give it some love. by kl


it’s nice to have friends in paris: alexandre mattiussi

comme les autres, yet unlike others… any house that uses a track by winston tong to open a show deserves attention, especially one lead by a man who paid his dues at dior hommes and givenchy… and alexandre mattiussi’s mens line “ami” surely deserves some attention. the line will be launching this fall in paris through pop-up shops and will not be an easy find, but that just makes it that much more attractive. on your next trip to paris, here’s a gift you can get there that isn’t here yet. that said we’ll be looking forward to seeing it across the atlantic. by xy

maragret kilgallen

i remember reading somewhere that margaret kilgallen used to work in a public library so that she could tear off the firsts pages of some old and forgotten books to paint meticulous folk figures on them later. i also remember her being this shy lady on this video, drawing with chalk on train to set up conversations with hobo’s across the country. mind you, i would say that she was one of the first to be in this retro americana thing that seams to be the standard today. by pp.

jesus saves. i spend.

above, a very angry and underpaid model from: surface to air – fall 2011

saw this girl with this t today and thought it was funny. in hindsight i don’t like it as much as i hate the notion of spending and then saying so. i guess this old one will have to remain on the top of the charts: “jesus saves. but moses invests.”  by xy