atlas of remote islands

not really sure what is the real use for this book beside vehicule for dreaming but it’s surely one of the nicest things i’ve seen in bookstores for a long time. it’s from judith schalansky and the subtitle is “fifty islands i never set foot in and never will”, love it! the lay out is absolutely dope and this book makes me want to be a sailor. by pp.

jean claude ellena – journal d’un parfumeur

“Pendant un an, j’ai tenu ce journal de façon assidue ou plus relâchée, décousue, sporadique, régulière, souhaitant partager quelque aperçu sur la vie d’un nez. J’imaginais que dans le désordre apparent de cette pensée ainsi exposée, au-delà des digressions ou des chemins de traverse, le lecteur entrant dans mes pas pouvait se construire une vision globale assez fidèle, significative, de ce qu’est la réalité d’un compositeur de parfums. Le fait est que beaucoup d’éléments de ma vie sont tendus vers cette forme d’expression particulière qu’est la composition d’un parfum. Mes pensées quotidiennes m’y ramènent souvent, en tout cas finissent toujours par y revenir, comme si j’étais tissé de cela. Les odeurs sont mes mots. Le maniement que j’en ai découle d’une logique, d’un instinct, d’un travail que je crois comparables à la démarche d’un écrivain lorsqu’il s’attelle à un livre. Je sais aussi que ce métier, parce qu’il est un art, est irréductible au langage et aux concepts. Avec ce journal, j’ai voulu simplement partager une expérience.

sorry for those of you who can’t speak french but this book is “vraiment genial”, jean claude ellena is one of the big “nose” around, responsible for most of the great hermes fragrances as well as other none the less great fragrance for other prestigious maisons. through his writings, we get a glimpse about how romantic and different is his way to see the world. quite moving.

originally edited by hermes, the 150 pieces were coming in a special edition box with other things. i guess that must have been quite a must to have… well, we have the book now. by pp.

louise bourgeois – fabric work

i’m not really familiar with louise bourgeois’ work even if of course i know all the famous ones that are in collective consciousness, not really into all those phallic self centered art trends. so i was surprised when i saw those fabric work of her lately. feel very sensitive and romantic. by pp.

chanel 001 travel kit with lipgloss: approved by the TSA**

for the record this piece is not created by karl but rather, ted noten. the chanel001 is a gun loaded with accoutrements, including chanel lip gloss, an antique hairpin, a 18k gold toothpick, a perfume bottle with an 18k gold mechanism, a 50-gram 24kt gold bar, a USB stick, and a viagra pill. in short, all the stuff a girl wouldn’t leave home without. chanel 001 will be on view at design miami/basel, which kicks off next week, through the ornamentum gallery (hall 5, booth g23), from june 15–19. ** the TSA approved comment was a joke. dont even think about traveling with this. by ar

the Nagra MSA: stereo power amplifier

beautifully made stereo amps by swiss manufacturer nagra known for its movie soundtrack recorders. with 60w per channel into 8 ohms output or the two channels can be parallel-bridged to reach a double mono output power of 120 watts RMS into 4 ohms. approximate cost $15,000. personally for that price i’d go for  the pass aleph mono blocks but this deserves a post just for its looks. by dd


official signature of mr. weller circa 1981

nice picture of paul weller as i had never seen before… “aging ex jam singer guitar player, leader, etc paul weller, found collapsed in a heap outside a bar after a mammoth drinking session in prague at the weekend. his girlfriend, 23-year-old hannah andrews, who was probably regaled by his tales of rock and roll debauchery remains by his side.” whatever, he’s still amazing and will probably remain that way. by dd

smoking kills man… but hell it lookS good**

great cover for man magazine. mind you, this is not just “another man” magazine.


**official disclaimer: smoking actually does not look good. it actually sucks!! not that we care about death, its quite natural and we best get the fuck out of here if there’s gonna be any room left on earth for the ones coming. besides as we posted before the true average life span of man is really just 20, and the rest is really borrowed time. all that said, and the death part aside, it is simply stupid to shove carbon monoxide inside you mouth especially when the final effect is null. your teeth get yellow, your mouth smells like a toilet, and it actually cramps your style. just think about what an extra ($12 a pack x 7 days x 4 week in a month) $336 a month could do for your wardrobe… actually if you are in paris or NY not much… but whatever. by dd