i know by now some of you are sick of this song but given dd just posted the cover, i found it timely. this track was quite amazing had it not been over played at every wanna be hipster joint in NY in the last 2 years. by xy
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: it’s blitz
WHAT’s NEXT: violent ballet
quote of the day: steven weinberg
“religion is an insult to human dignity. with or without it, you’d have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” – physicist and nobel laureate, steven weinberg
model julia stegner
what to drink: ohmine junmai ginjo sake
Model Edita Vilkeviciute: by glen luchford
detroit: from rock-city to ruins by frank schwere
german born photographer frank schwere’s images depict the decay of america’s once shining beacon of industrialization. empty streets, burnt out shells of houses, industrial ruins, abandoned public buildings, vacant lots, derelict churches, weeds and potholes are today the face of detroit. devoid of humans, these images are reminiscent of war zones or natural disasters but in fact portray the results of failed politics and human neglect. exhibit at two rooms gallery through june 18th 2011. by dd
average life of man: no more than 20 years
image courtesy of natural history museum
years ago i was at my favorite chinese dentist in california due for a filling and i asked this eloquent doctor of mine, why it was that even though i brushed twice a day and flossed i had to deal with cavities? i said a lion for example, does little of that and seems to be keeping his pearly whites? the answer was mind opening. he said “well… there are really two reasons. for one, man in its natural state consumes a fraction of the sugar humans consume today, but more importantly our organs and bodies have not evolved as quickly as mans life has changed at his own hands. in nature you would have died of a virus, if not eaten by a predator by age 20.” i for one would have been dead at the age of 8 when i got a strep-throat with a fever of 103. without todays available antibiotics, the infection would have reached my heart and i would have met my “baker” long ago. i was telling this story today, and jr looked this up. sure enough the average age of cavemen was indeed 20. you would have mated at age 13 and been eaten by age 20. so count your blessing as most of us are now on borrowed time. by dd+jr
surf italia
LIMITED EDITION portcelain sculpture BY parra/TOYKYO: take a rest
it’s an edition of 70 sculptures in 3 color-ways, 25-red,25-blue & 20-black.
the piece stands/sits 15cm. by 20cm. and comes in a screen printed,
and numbered box. get them before they go. available only at toykyo. by dd
what im listening to now
amazing minimal rhythms remix worth a 100 listens. dark desire, rubber room rerub a remix of the not so great original noir desir “le vent nous portera”. by ar(s)