summer inspiration for a sunny weekend. jane birkin fashion tips: roll your T sleeve, wear a double long necklace, skip the bra, thick eye makeup, no lipstick. go kill it girl… have good long weekend everyone. by kv
artist chris burden’s metropolis II at LACMA every little boys dream…
over a thousand hot wheels all in one place
i know this is a bit old news by now, when i saw it i was going to do a post but that never happened. still it must be in the archives of TS… can the future of L.A. be this? or maybe the future of the world? most likely it will… and per chris burden, well all be driving in autonomous cars going on average at a speed of 230 miles per hour. the city structures are very cool especially the reflective mirror like high rise and the charles eames reference house of cards. i think anyone with a current or past love for slot cars, hotwheels, or matchbox cars would love this… by uh
lessons learned on planet earth
illustration by julie morstad in her great book called milk teeth
“here are a few lessons i’ve learned in my many days on this planet earth. i do love many things about your planet but there are also many things that i dislike. its is not all your fault, so don’t be sad. i think this is how humans are made to behave. i think i will spent more days here, and i will enjoy the many things it has to offer, but i do wish to return to my planet one day. its a bit lonely there but its ok, i have less complications and life is a little easier when you are alone. but here are 3 important things i have observed while being here:
people in general mean well and they don’t mean to harm one another but they often do. this is not their fault because they can not see the world from another’s eyes. if you are from another planet for example, they don’t simply understand how you see their world. they only see what they can see… only their sadness and their complications. they want you to help them, and of course you do. they want you to be there when they are sad and defeated. but when they are well and good they only want you to be well and good. they have no time for your complications… they already have theirs. and this world of yours has many complication that i did not want to have but now i do too, just like you. but i understand. you have to accept that, and not demand much attention. just go along. just be there for them when they want you. its a fruitless proposition but that is how humans are, even the best ones, and if you must be around them, you have to accept that.
i learned about love early in my visit. it was quite an interesting experience and i can now see how that basic idea has engulfed your entire population. everything everyone does everyday is to attain that feeling of love. from others, from strangers, from dogs and family and co workers… even from the general public many distences away. everyone is racing and working very hard every day to attain this love. they buy things in order to be loved. they say things in order to attain that love. its peculiar for some one like me. i lived alone, with no one around me. so i couldn’t understand what that was all about. but i now see why… it is a good feeling this love, it’s nice to be loved. but this intangible concept is very vague, even for me. it comes and it goes. it’s there and its not there. it’s like a cloud, even your people who study the clouds can’t tell you much about their destiny or future. just like that they appear and just like that they disappear. i think having experienced this, i know now that it is quite silly and as you say, naive, to want to chase such an ethereal thing. i did not need it or want it before i came here. i will not need it when i leave. but when you are here, you simply get in line with everyone else and follow them in this quest. its funny when you look at this from another view. again its not your fault, maybe you where made this way, or maybe you were conditioned to be this way. for me after i found it and i lost it just once, i realized its not worth the trouble… this is a big ‘complication’… and i understand that you have to live here for ever, so i see why this is so important to you. but my advice, if you plan to be here for long, is to ask yourself why? why such an intangible thing? such an impermanent thing is so important to your kind? especially when you know what i already told you in #1…
the most difficult complication on your planet comes with visiting your planet for too long. its the realization that what you though was true when you arrived turns out to be false many years later. if i was to see this from my eyes, it would be as if i would live on my planet for many years and one day realize my planet was never there. i would be in space floating alone on no planet at all!! that would be very awkward. and very disorienting. i don’t think i would like that very much. but out here you will have to go through that many times in your life cycle. again my advise to you is to accept this. i know it was not your fault or your choice to be here, but here you are and here it is. its just one of the complication of your kind. if you where me and could see the world from my eyes then you would not be you. so here you are. you! it is best not to take things literally, not to invest in things or people, or do things that require an outcome. of course it is a bit difficult to go about this in this world of yours like this. so you may choose you don’t have to. but if you do, you must be prepared to float in space alone one day. and it will be very awkward.
i hope this is of some help to some of you. this world of yours has many good things, but it also has many complications. it’s one of the more interesting and curious places i have visited. i wish you all very well.” – verbal excerpts from visual drawing in a book called milk teeth. by cm
crayola art series by our cali friend
our west coat designer friend, esai ramirez, had this lovely idea for crayola which made us quite excited, so we asked for his permission to post these. we’d buy a dozen of these today if crayola would have produced them. so listen up crayola!! we suggest you all email crayola and convince them to get their marketing hats on and get ready to sell these at colette, moma stores and anywhere artster-youngsters hang.
first image is the yves klein blues of course (love those) and right above you have the damien hirst chloroform series.
and above we have jen stark followed by josef albers… you can just imagine the range of amazing colors you could come up with and get those drunk kids off of primary colors for a bit. well done esai ramirez. by uh
the enigma of klaus kinski
an end clip with kinski playing werner herzog’s aguirre wrath of god. this can be seen as an addendum to dd’s post!!
klaus kinski, the epic actor, who played in herzog’s aguirre wrath of god (one of our favorite films of all time – a must see) was a german national of polish decent and born to a struggling family in germany. his father was a failed opera singer, and his mother a nurse. his true name was klaus günter karl nakszynski, which he later changes to klaus kinsky. he was conscripted at age 17 into the german wehrmacht some time in 1943, serving in the army. he saw no action until the winter of 1944, when his unit was transferred to the netherlands. he was wounded and captured by the british army on his second day of combat and was eventually transferred to england as prisoner of war. of course in true kinsky fashion, he recalled the events differently. kinsky claimed that he defected from the german wehrmacht and was court marshaled and sentenced to death. he explained that he theh managed to escaped, and turned himself-in to the british army, but as his recollections on the set of fitzcarraldo he is likely painting a finer picture than what was reality. at the end of the war the german POW’s were anxious to return home. kinski had heard that sick prisoners were to be returned first, and being the nut case that he is, he tried to qualify by standing outside naked at night, drinking urine and eating cigarettes. he remained healthy but finally was returned to germany in 1946, after spending a year and four months in captivity. upon arrival he discovered that his father had died and his mother had perished in the allied bombing. alone, he pursued what he had first experienced under allied imprisonment, acting… and the rest is history. the enigma of klaus kinski still remains. by uh
clothes rack by arash eskafi
nice aesthetics, bad function. by lb
here we go now weekend playlist: happy listening
our friends at “here we go now” yoga to the groove. here are just 4 of the many eclectic playlists available from their blog. click on links to check em out. happy listening and good weekend y’all… above: “dj & kundalini yoga teacher yeva don with her poetic inspiration towards infinite gratitude to mother earth. this music mix is a journey of emotions that teaches you how to breathe, feel, give, live and dance…” follow her on instagram.
“to all who hear this collage as it concerns you, i put this together as an extension of myself and what i am standing for, freedom. i want for this to leave you moved and inspired to do what it is you are here to do in this space and time in every moment, thus you will be free. so, here we go now…” – anthony “the twilite tone” dj khan…”
“dj lima love, has created a transcendental meditation mix with a beautiful melodic and sensitive soulful splash of vertical love… “
“ceft coalition is a musical collaboration led by “internationalist buff”, ucef hanjani. the collective includes various friends, producers and selectors who have came together in NY in the past decade for appearances at 675 hudson, sunday sessions, frying pan, cielo and capital. here we bring you an exclusive mix of vintage and new electronic tracks with reggae/funk roots. expect to be surprised at the range of genres colliding in this mix – a true hallmark of this collective…” follow them on instagram. all photos by herr gerald forster. visit “here we go now” blog by clicking here.
hugh holland 1976
locals only. by lb
Just to even the grounds here’s Nastassja Kinski in the summer of 1970s
hello summer.
and just so you all behave… here’s her father, klaus. nice guy, short temper. just ask werner…
image 1: nastassja kinski, daughter of klaus kinski. image 2: a rare picture on location for the film “aguirre wrath of god” by werner herzog. pure genius, go see it if you haven’t, its 2 hours of nastassja walking in the amazon in her bikini… kinda… and then klaus comes in, and kills werner. by dd
Easy Tiger!
genius sexting going on here… easy calvin… we all know you’re no homophobe but did you just team up with grindr or something? talk about pandering to your audience below the belt… access is definitely granted! calvin klein text advertising… by xy
carry on chap: berluti un jour
forget the scarf and the hat, here’s the prize accessory for the dandy man: the ultimate briefcase comes from berluti and is made from the brands signature venezia leather that can be customized with one of their extensive and well guarded secret patinas. the bag is perfectly suited to fulfill the task as your everyday office briefcase and it will fit all necessary essentials on your overnight business trip. like most things premium it comes with a hefty cost, and can be yours for $3,300 (excluding tax of course). pay the cost to be the boss at you local berluti store, or take one of their “of the shelf colors” at mr. porter. by kt
homme less
you should definitely check out the new documentary from thomas wirthensohn where we follow the homeless fashion photographer and model mark reay. by kt