by giovanni pintori. by kl
Bombay – El Guincho
artistic. by jr
don’t love you no more, but you can keep the keys. i changed it to an august smart lock
jack nicholson will now demonstrate the new august smart lock
come on in… well, not alla youz!
we just received our august smart lock and are very excited to put it to work. the installation is supposed to be quite simple and should fit “any standard deadbolt lock”
once installed that’s all you see on the inside of your door
our august smart lock (a $250 cylinder you install on the inside of your door) is here and awaiting to mate with our lovely door. whats great is that we don’t actually need to remove our lock, because it only replaces our deadbolt’s inside module. once placed in and turned on well have a bluetooth-connected, motorized deadbolt that can remotely lock and unlock the door when we press a button on our phone… or automatically lock as we leave, and unlock as we approach the door… nice! but the best part is you can give temporary keys to anyone you choose, and disable them when you want. you can also schedule access, for say, cleaning lady, baby sitter, or your neighborhood dominatrix to set up. but there are a few caveats; 1- don’t forget, there is some effort required here; i.e any user must first download the app, register an account, take a picture of themselves, then verify their email address and phone number before they can open your door. bit of a hassle? yes. but you don’t want just anyone to get access now? 2- although august claims idiot-proof installation, the install does require a few logical considerations. a) if you have double locks you need to be aware that august only controls one (duh!). also b) the mechanism in the electronic lock has its limits. if your deadbolt is not smoothly operating or it was installed during the dark ages, it could affect the performance of the lock by causing difficulty for the august motor to push the deadbolt through. so be mindful that the assumption is that your deadbolt is in tip top shape, if it isn’t (as was the case with ours) you may want to amend the issue before install.
so what’s so great about all this? why would i want to change my current lock? here are a few good reasons that convinced us as to why we would need a key-less entry lock like the august smart lock;
– well firstly it’s designed by the swiss industrial designer yves behar. we were told you should just get one, to have one.
– need to allow temporary access for your most recently acquired boyfriend/girlfriend with out the awkward key exchange… and retrieval
– your pet monkey is really smart… but not that smart
– need to allow scheduled access to your fancy cleaning crew who own an iphone (don’t they all? besides it works on android)
– need to cut down on key and lock replacements due to fast turn-around of lovely “associates”
– forgot your 5lbs key chain at work
– your “roommate” lost his key again
– pierre and marilou are gonna crash in your ski chalet in graubünden, and you haven’t been there for “like weeeeeeks”
– need to let your guest/air b&b into your apt but cant leave work (will require the $50 august connect wifi plug)
– your super called and said there is fire in your study (that’s where you’re supposed to keep your damn books, which you don’t have)
– finally, how can you trust the kids with a key… when you cant trust them with a f#@kin’ plastic bag?
there you have it…if your still not convinced… then i suppose you don’t need one. stay tuned we’re gonna report back with a proper field test… photo credit: jack nicholson in stanley kubrick’s film the shining written by stephen king. by uh
The Memories Come Back in Waves
“john severson’s surf” is a book that presents the languid-meets-extreme-thrills lifestyle of surfing through paintings and vivid photography. while his were among the first surf movies, it was the posters associated with them, hugely popular when issued in the 1950s and 1960s, that remain collector favorites today. showcased in these early posters, his graphic skills translated easily to surfer magazine which he founded in 1960. the magazine was the first to celebrate and revolutionize the art and sport of surfing, establishing it as a powerful pop culture phenomenon.
severson expanded his career to include photography, with photographs appearing in life, sports illustrated, paris match and other print venues. the first issue was a 36-page collection of black-and-white photos, cartoon sketches and short articles—almost every aspect of which was created by severson himself. as the magazine grew in popularity, so did his graphic work and paintings. by lb
cool, cool, cool: howdy mr. and mrs. moncler
“i’m gonna ride into omoha on a horse, out to the country club and the golf course,
carrying a new york times, shoot a few holes, blow their minds…”
an “A” for effort, but NEVER carry a long-board around here…
you can call him muffin… oh, and shes just bluffin’
me and muffin! i’m a poet, and i know it…
love these little guys from moncler… but don’t bother lookin’ to buy em like i did yet, they are not available for sale. i had a few pieces of moncler when i was a kid. a blue and red sweater, a doudoune jacket, etc… my parents brought em back from a trip to france and my sister and i skied in em. had no idea what they were, but i remembered those colors and the logo and that stayed in my head until i started seeing every kid on the corner sporting one. i suppose moncler’s are still special if you can navigate your way through a million fake sites, or cough up $1,500 for a polyamide and feather (not all down) jacket at the store, but that’s a steep price when you can get an all down 800fill serious outdoor jacket for $400 or even under $300… i suppose i’m poorer than my parents now, but that’s the new american way that we all voted for! jive credit: bob dylan, ofcourse. by xy
Pulp – babies
inimitable style from jarvis. one of my favs. by pp
Klaus Kinski summer time looks
that’s right this is how i’m going to the beach… only klaus can pull this shit off! by dd
greetings from lemmy and joey
two spiritual advisers telling you how to spend your weekend. by la
google is watching you
web developer tal ater warned of a chrome exploit that would allow an unscrupulous website to listen in to your computer’s microphone while you speak and use your camera at any time. google supposedly dismissed the issue, but if you’re wondering what the whole shabang means for you, here’s the lowdown:
once you give a site permission to use your microphone or camera, chrome assumes that site will have permission to do so at any time in the future. that means every instance of that site, every page on that site, also has access to your camera and microphone, meaning a sketchy site owner could throw up a pop-under window in the background that’s listening in to everything you say, or worse, listening and set to trigger some action (like recording) when you say specific words or phrases.
this was reported to google back in september. for their part, google doesn’t see it as a problem, and say, ‘in order for the issue to be a real threat, not only do you have to visit a site that would want to record your speech, you’d have to grant it access to your microphone, and then you’d have to not notice a pop-under window from that site lingering in the background. plus, you’d also have to not notice the visual cue (a red dot in the omnibar) that indicates the microphone is active.’ even so, google’s engineers did respond to this report, did come up with a fix that addressed the issue, but—and this is the confusing part— didn’t push that fix.
this is why firefox has always been my favorite. by lb
this is more of a “listen don’t look” post. groovy song. j’aime beaucoup! and you should too. by kl
happy canada day!!
by kl