camus on happiness and love

albert camus drawing on happiness and love

an excerpt taken from the 1951-1959 installment of his journals, illustrated by the multitalented wendy macnaughton for one of my favorite websites (hell–probably my favorite), brain pickings. camus’ journals are illustrious and have provided me with insight for many years. you can purchase the print here, and half of the proceedings will go to a room of her own, a foundation that supports women artists and writers. by sv

nude york: nude yoga craze

the nudist camp idea worked in principle, but never in practice. we wonder how that will net-out with the nude yoga craze that’s sweeping new york? if you ask us we could think of a few little glitches that may come at the seams.

there is bold & naked, and then there’s nude york yoga amongst many others. there are also one on one classes that may seem less problematic. in a q&a session, the issue of erections was passed around… “it rarely happens, but when it does it’s okay and nothing to be embarrassed about. it will pass quickly. erections happen for a lot of reasons and are not limited to sexual attraction. yoga moves a lot of energy throughout the body and sometimes erections happen. but once we start moving, there is no way an erection could be sustained, because of the physical nature of vinyasa yoga.” be sure to take that specific class. by nk

a poem for poe

to poe love virginia clemm

Ever with thee I wish to roam–

Dearest my life is thine.

Give me a cottage for my home

And a rich old cypress vine,

Removed from the world with its sin and care

And the tattling of many tongues.

Love alone shall guide us when we are there–

Love shall heal my weakened lungs;

And Oh, the tranquil hours we’ll spend,

Never wishing that others may see!

Perfect ease we’ll enjoy, without thinking to lend

Ourselves to the world and its glee–

Ever peaceful and blissful we’ll be.

for edgar allan poe, from his wife (and cousin!) virginia clemm. penned on valentine’s day, 1846. by sv

buoyantly transformer shoes by nihomano italy

bit stiff and hard to wear, but if you’re longing for some unwarranted attention–you’ll get it with these fancy sneaks. the ‘buoyantly transformer’ mid-top sneaker from nihomano, (an artisanal handmade leather shoe company from italy) is made of raw white opanca leather with leather laces, and can be fetched for around $800. by xy

ahoy, sailor!

anna karina and jean paul belmondo sailor

because our little lil sailed way across the pond, and i miss her so. anna karina and jean-paul belmondo are missing her as well. by sv