two great paintings by valerian goalec. check out the rest of his work. by pp.
quote of the day
“the greatness of the human being consists in this: that it is capable of the universe.”
– thomas aquinas
Pistols for two
me and who. by kl
a view of things
for the inaugural day of national poetry month, here’s the view of scotsman edwin morgan. i too love hank’s string vest, and simply detest gooseberries. by sv
etienne de crecy – welcome
opening of etienne de crecy’s live show in 2007. the french dj collaborated with the collectif 1024-EXYZT to create this giant cube, on which a mapping video is projected in accordance with the music. the use of drugs is strongly recommended while watching. by lil
plague /pleɪg/ : any widespread affliction, calamity, or evil, especially one regarded as a direct punishment by God
this music video from the crush-worthy duo crystal castles explores my innermost feelings and bodily movements when awaking on a monday morning. film footage from polish film director andrzej zulawski’s 1981 horror film possession. by kd
shirley–visions of reality
thirteen edward hopper paintings are brought to life through various eras in american history in gustav deutsch’s extraordinary film. follow shirley’s journey through myriad social and political crises as she remains a strong and determined woman. this was internationally released last year, i am crossing my fingers and toes for a united states release in the nearest future. read more about the film here. by sv
ed ruscha in nyc
originally conceptualized for los angeles in 1977, this titular quip from the one and only ed ruscha is coming soon to new york. it will be on w. 22nd street & 10th avenue, right near the highline. this is ruscha’s first public nyc project; a silent soundtrack with playfully distracting vernacular. i don’t drive, but i’ll certainly be strolling by to take a look with my fellow pedestrians. by sv
l’odyssée de cartier by bruno aveillan
l’odyssée de cartier, the elaborately conceived film by bruno aveillan, is a fantasy trip where the cartier panther comes to life and travels the globe. cleverly, he makes key strategic stops along the way, in the sales-rich developing markets like china and india; undoubtedly guaranteeing a consistent flow of sales from these new wealth customers.
nicely imagined and shot as only bruno aveillan could. my only criticism is that the obvious pander could have been a bit more artful. by uh
the upside down – bill wegman
poor resolution but great image… by pp.
by pp.
bae se hwa
a modern take on curvature, these stunning designs by korean artist bae se hwa use the medium of bent walnut in order to convey harmony between nature and the house of art nouveau. they are sensual yet rustic; see more now at the edward tyler nahem gallery in nyc. by sv