monoblock or monolith: the massive pass labs aleph II monoblock amplifier

so iconic – the only thing it can be compared to is the monolith

circa 1997 – these are perhaps one of the top 10 best solid state mosfet amps money can buy – they are just under 12″x12″x11″ and weigh just under 60lbs each. each monoblock is rated for a power output of 100W into 8 ohms and 200W into 4 ohms, surely enough for any domestic use. amazing sounding as nelson pass said “one of my favorite sounds i’ve ever made”.

the steel heat sinks on all four sides of each amp disperse the incredible heat – as these babies run very hot!! you literally can fry an egg on top after a few hours of listening. that is not an exaggeration.

pass aleph IIs are absolutely neutral, no coloration can be perceived. the sound is full, round, stable, and deep. the bass is very good, maybe promoting articulation and detail… almost a to a raw violence, but for my tastes i cannot imagine anything better. it has neutrality, or should i say naturality, and precision… you are led to forget about the amplifier, to undervalue it, but as soon as you listen back to another one, you realize how superior this one really is…

beautiful from any angle

effectively, i feel it’s pretty strange to see such characteristics married to a sonority that, while being vaguely tube-like, has mostly a heritage of the positive aspects of solid state, plus that little something, so difficult to articulate, that always distinguish a solid state gear from a valved one – i’d be tempted to call it grain, but i’d be wrong, because we can’t hear any grain here, and the sound watermark is perfect… even female voices are rendered with excellent homogeneity and flow, that can be compared to those coming from a tube gear – yet, distinct from it, in some ways. maybe the definitive difference is in the control and the precision, both better than what can be found in the classic tube world.


pass laboratories aleph II monoblock amplifier owners manual

almost 60 pounds (27kg) each – the front view of the aleph II mono block

don’t even think of trying to lift these amps without some thick gloves and at least one burly friend. there’s no way to avoid gripping the heatsink fins, which feel like dull knives on bare flesh. at 130 lbs each, these are certainly not “one-person” amps.

balanced outputs + 5 way binding post – back of the aleph II mono block

i love these amps and i will probably keep them to the day i die and then pass it one to another care taker. thank you nelson for creating these beautiful monsters. by uh

go out in style : japans work hard play hard

new reprint just out..

“a series of documentary photographs taken by pawel jaszczuk between 2008 and 2010 of tokyo salarymen after a few too many drinks after work gives a whole new meaning to work hard play hard…”

“…pawel, residing in japan at the time, would head out on his bicycle after midnight to photograph different people and places, saying that the best hours for him to shoot would be between 1 am and 4 am.”

“…shortly after he started this body of work in 2009, he published a zine entitled “salaryman” with morel books in black and white and limited to 150 copies and which immediately sold out.”

“…he later published a second book above. pawel has selected images of sleeping salarymen in poses reminiscent of fashion models and the photobook is in the style of a glossy magazine, hence the title high fashion.”


“…according to pawel, this body of work is emphatically not a statement against drinking.”

“…rather, he originally wanted to capture the simple contrast between men in suits and the dirty alleys of tokyo.”

“…but pawel’s comments that with this second publication of “high fashion” he hopes that the work can also be seen as humorous, and in a way an apocalyptic vision of this overworked and overstressed society.”

to us this says less bout working hard, as much as it says, some people drink very hard, and can’t handle themselves very well. and that is not specific to tokyo…


you can work hard or very little, be good at it or suck at it, you will be unhappy until you find work that fulfills a part of you. that is of course easier said than done. but despite its harshness, it still remains the truth. in the absence of finding what you care for, you will always fill your days with something or another to simply forget. insert here : alcohol, drugs, medication, hate, etc.

a third edition of this book is out now, available directly form the photographers website. by uh

The West Bank: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

if you were told this is a one sided fight, don’t shoot john oliver, hes only telling the truth.

palestinians live in 2 areas one is gaza and the other the west bank, both are under the israeli thumb – by now we all now know and have seen how life in gaza is. here’s how the “better behaved – lucky palestinians” live in the west bank. click here if vid is missing

ben & jerrys founders : ben cohen and jerry greenfield stopped the sale of their ice cream in the israeli occupied territories before unilever changed that

john oliver discusses how the west bank settlements (israeli enclaves in palestinian west bank area) came to be, what their presence there means for everyone in the region, and why the weight of the world rests squarely on the shoulders of ben & jerry’s. good one john. by xy

good bye justice: international criminal court? what court? no more laws… whom ever has the most power can do what ever he wants

“…until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior

is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned…

“…until there are no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation…

until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes…

read the ICJ full ruling on the genocide in gaza : the international court of justice has issued its opinion and the conclusion is loud and clear: israel’s occupation and annexation of the palestinian territories are unlawful, and its discriminatory laws and policies against palestinians violate the prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. amnesty also ny times

“…until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race …everywhere is war…” bob marley lyrics from the song war… by dd

blue in green : its a vintage japanese and american denim lovers paradise!

in soho on green street

if you visist new york you should pop by here… blue in green, a renowned japanese and american selvedge denim store in soho, is founded by yuji fukushima

the almost 18-year-old shop began selling hard-to-find japanese selvedge denim from its storefront in soho in 2006.

thanks to denim diehards from new york city and beyond, blue in green has become a premier resource for japanese and american denim.

when you stop in be sure to check out the ojas and mcintosh sound system

the coffee is not half bad either…

just some of the brands you can find at blue in green if they have it in stock and in your size. keep in mind these are not mass produced items: resolute, rototo, samurai jeans,, sassfras, porter tokyo, orslow, kapital, engineered garments, full count, destin, les tien,beams japan, all caps studio, and many more… by pp

Clarks Originals x Engineered Garments Desert Khan

clarks and engineered garments join forces to reimagine the former’s signature desert khan shoes with a fresh view

loved clarks form the early rave days good to see then continuing on with out losing their soul

vibram sole if effect

suede uppers x crepe vibram rubber outsole

always good. around $200USD. by dd

vroom vroom

maison fabre finest driving gloves here test driving a 1:64 scale diecast citroen 2cv. drive safely gentleman. aprox. $235 online. by uh


Sex, Lies and Julian Assange : a revisit of what really happened

julian assange freed pending his plea deal with the US– here is looking back at what happened…

rape allegation (all dropped and forgotten) involving swedes anna ardin and sofia wilen

julian assange before his arrest and time in united kingdom’s belmarsh prison. assange stood up to the most powerful forces in history and made them bow their heads in shame. he humiliated the US and then faced their wrath. within weeks of seeking refuge in sweden, julian assange had a warrant out for his arrest for rape and sexual molestation (all cases were eventually dropped)…

“i am not a cia agent” anna ardin who assange had sexual relationship with upon his stay in sweden prior to the allegations

sofia wilen another of assange partners during his stay in sweden

four corners BBC sex lies and julian assange documentary – a total political hit

four corners BBC hero or villain – julians wiki partner dishes out some hate toward assange

60 minutes the 2011 6o minutes interview

“…what followed next may define the modern era. quickly after the accusations began, concerns emerged about the legal barrage aimed at him. this documentary by the BBC gets to the heart of the matter and tells a tale of david and goliath.
“sitting outdoors with the world’s coolest, smartest people! it’s amazing!”, anna ardin tweeted, as she sat at a barbecue she had arranged for assange.

yet according to the allegations she would later bring against him he had recently sexually abused her. “you wouldn’t send such messages if you had been raped by someone the night before”, argues assange’s lawyer.

assange believes that the whole legal snafu is aimed at sending him to the united states to face trial for revealing state secrets.”quite incredible to see this documentary now and see everything he was saying, all his paranoia was all valid…. by dd

the story of MSCHF with gabe whaley : from west point to buzz feed

meet mschfs original founder and chief geek officer, mister gabe whaley

mschf is an art collective / media company / viral for hire agency and very successful at it… of course you must know about the big red boots

we reckon the big red boots was genuine art project which them lead to the collab. with crocs that generated commercial income.

times new NEW roman

one of their earlier projects and our favorite one is the type design project to create “times new NEW roman” which is the same as times new roman but 10% wider. so when you write your college essay your 8 pages will result in 10 pages. nice cheat!!

turbo tax but more fun. tax heaven 3000 was a spoof tax software designed by mschf where the anime girl will walk you through questions, some quite personal, such as your social security number and in the end help you calculate your taxes. about 200 were created. genuine art project.

this “nike, drop of blood in the sole, lil nas satan shoe” project was the first time we ever heard about mschf… back then it smelled like marketing and we paid little heed… but was it marketing?

vans shoes sues mschf for its wavy baby sneakers. not really buying this lawsuit – but we guess you gotta keep the magic under lock and key for it to work.

mschf founder gabe whaley & the art of going viral | EP 33 by business untitled

and here’s an interview with mister gabe whaley himself, telling his sweet story to success from west point to buzz feed. well done gabe!! you are a commercial version of tobias wong whom we loved (RIP)… but you are a 100% better than daniel arsham (reddit)who occupies a similar space. by sv

3 architecture students and 1 guitar player : pompeii, pink, echoes, oysters, waters

“chit chat with oysters” – december 1971 (studio europa sonor, paris, france) – pink floyd with big thanks to adrian maben and cinémathèque française for this release!

there was a time when not all lyrics meddled around some lame-ass persons idea of being hot and sexy, either writing about their dick or their fat ass. don’t get me wrong was just listening to doja “i keep it juicy juicy, she keep that booty booty… he like it thick he like it fat” all good fun but i mean its kindda comical really isn’t it? i cant help but giggle at myself and how shallow and primal we have become. its all just dicks and ass and food and money.

then i was watching this pink floyd documentary and the song echoes came on… went something like…

strangers passing in the streetby chance, two separate glances meetand I am you and what I see is meand do i take you by the handand lead you through the landand help me understand the best i can?

i guess that’s what you get when you put a guitar player and 3 architecture students to make music. good times. more of that please. by ar