“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine” – the faces of che

rene burri photograph of ernesto che-guevara 1963 havana

lisa howard and fidel castro first meeting havana riviera hotel april 21 1963. in the early 1960s, lisa howard became ABC news’s first woman reporter, and was the first woman to have her own national network television news show (insert: mole). howard developed a relationship with cuba’s fidel castro, whom she met to interview, and was a go-between for a time between castro and the american white house.

blue bird production “the faces of che” and the cuban revolution

a very good and rare documentary (watch it before this bootleg is taken down) on cuba and its revolution with some details about the relationship of che and castro that i didn’t know. worth a watch for any history buff. by xy

A beautiful mind

dont wanna forget this one… “rodney mullen has seen it all. besides inventing the entire platform of street skating as we know it, he’s lived through and witnessed every iteration thereof—from his days as a freestyle champ in the ’80s to modern day technical wizardry. and while he knows how to manipulate a plank of wood better than any other living being on the planet, he’s also got the uncanny ability to articulate what it means to be a skateboarder better than anyone else. we sat him down for a quick chat, and got his take on the essence of skateboarding for our own private TED talk. rodney, we love you. you truly are something special. congratulations on 10 years of almost!” hope you enjoy it. by nk

live at the techno club: they don’t make em like they used to

“amazing someone had the brains to document this…”

nitzer ebb – live at technoclub, frankfurt germany on the belief tour 1989

tracks: [01]. intro (T.W.A.) [02]. without belief [03]. warsaw ghetto [04]. violent playground [05]. my heart [06]. blood money [07]. for fun [08]. hearts and minds [09]. getting closer [10]. captivate [11]. join in the chant [12]. drive [13]. shame [14]. let your body learn [15]. control i’m here [16]. murderous [17]. blood money (encore) by ac

Lakota Nation and their quest for justice

“lakota nation vs. the united states”

great documentary on the lakota nation and their quest for justice – quite an interesting film to view in these trying times. saw this again for the third time tonight (if you count movies seen on flights as one) available on apple tv and on youtube – well worth the watch, especially if you pay for it xx  by xy

GMC vs DMC: when a dream car crashes into war, politics and drugs

john delorean and his wife cristina ferrare

the design of the DMC 12 by giorgetto giugiaro

the factory in belfast smack in the middle of the IRA wars

great BBC docu on the downfall

john delorean worked at GMC (general motors company) and became one of its highly paid presidents, he was cocky and brash and surely pissed off a lot of top brass at the company. he was fired / he resigned (depending whom you ask) to build his dream car company named DMC (delorean motors company). GMC was not happy. margaret thatcher and ronlad reagans FBI somehow were involved in bringing the company down and convicting john delorean on drug charges. he was ruined, the company went bankrupt, but all charges where dropped. john became a born again christian and supposedly went to heaven. by uh

gianni agnelli : what a ham! and why we love him…

with his first wife marella

even giants start small

oh hi jackie kennedy!

older wiser agneli and the fiat empire

good clip on gianni agnelli’s life…

“the agnelli look was about ease, grace and never trying too hard. like the dinner party just happened without any planning.”

“was he vain? He invented it.”

“he had the view of Aristotle – where goodness and beauty overlap.”

three quotes that sum up gianni agnelli and la dolce vita. this video is part 2 of the HBO documentary agnelli (2017). genuine style is both timeless and priceless, it is innate and money (though not necessary to have flair) in the hands of agnelli made his life shine so brightly that the whole world was lit up. by uh

le mepris: breakdown of jean luc godard’s garden scene in contempt

at the expense of being screamed at… i do believe woman, more than men, have the ability to turn off emotions. men may subdue their emotions, but once there… it is not so easy for men to turn back.

a really beautiful breakdown of this loaded and constructed garden scene in le mepris by This video essay by cristina alvarez lópez and adrian martin of mubi

definitely one of my favorite films, seen it projected several time, have it on blue ray, and highly recommend catching it in a proper cinema if you can. by uh

the last race : 1957 Mille Miglia

peter collins in the 1957 ferrari 335 sport scaglietti s/n 0700. on left is mechanic ascanio lucchi, in middle is enzo ferrari and on the right in black shirt is martino severi, a test driver.

1955 ferrari 750 monza – the horrific 1957 ferrari crash that ended the mille miglia race

the last race : 1957 mille miglia

in april of 1956, the year before this, the ferrari racing team was victorious at the mille miglia, winning the first four places. the grand champion was eugenio castellotti, one of the brightest young stars on team ferrari… less than two months later, personal tragedy struck enzo and his wife laura. their beloved 24-year-old son, dino, succumbed to a years-long battle with muscular dystrophy. enzo was inconsolable and briefly considered quitting ferrari. when he was finally ready to return to work, enzo suffered a second painful blow—his star driver castellotti was killed in a training accident on the ferrari test track in modena.

castellotti’s death came just weeks before the 1957 edition of the mille miglia. for the first time in his life, enzo ferrari publicly expressed doubts about dedicating his life to such a dangerous sport. “something had changed within enzo and the way he was looking at motor racing,” says luca dal monte, author of the biography enzo ferrari: power, politics, and the making of an automotive empire.

the night before the start of the 1957 mille miglia, ferrari gave a speech at a big banquet in brescia. “maybe it was the deaths of dino or castellotti that made him more sensible to the whole issue of dying,” says dal monte. “he expressed doubts the night before the race—that what he’s doing is actually bringing death to people.” those words where haunting given the faith of alfonso de portago who thundering down the road at 155 miles per hour, when something punctured the left front tire of the ferrari which killed him and 9 spectators during the crash

the 24. edizione mille miglia (italian for “one thousand miles”) was an auto race held on a course totalling 992.332 miles (1,597.004 km), made up entirely of public roads around italy, mostly on the outer parts of the country on 11–12 may 1957. the route was based on a round trip between brescia and rome, with start/finish in brescia.

as in previous years, the event was a race against the clock, as the cars were released at one-minute intervals. in the mille miglia, the smaller displacement, slower cars started first. each car number related to their allocated start time. for example, wolfgang von trips’s car had the number 532, he left brescia at 5:32am, while the first cars had started late in the evening on the previous day. some drivers went with navigators, others didn’t; a number of local italian drivers had knowledge of the routes being used and felt confident enough that they wouldn’t need one.

this race was won by scuderia ferrari driver piero taruffi without the aid of a navigator. he completed the 992-mile distance in 10 hours, 27 minutes and 47 seconds- an average speed of 94.841 mph (152.632 km/h). the italian finished 3 minutes in front of his second-placed team-mate, the german driver, von trips. olivier gendebien and jacques washer were next, ensuring scuderia ferrari finished 1-2-3. by uh

its a plane? no, its a plate? no it’s purple magazine…

you! yes you! purple magazine launch party at silencio club – 303 west 57th street

olivier zahn and stylist masha orlov

the incredible waris ahluwalia and friend

boni reiffers and friend

tyler mazaheri and alexander droth

a little older, a lot less sexier, but definitely still happening – purple magazine launch party for issue number 41 “the essence of fashion” during new york fashion week. by ac

ivan smagghe : lot radio stage at making time

franco ivan smagghe full set = solid….

steady agit-bot all the way through. this aint no death-disco. press play and get some shit done… recording from lot radios booth at making time” festival, fort mifflin, philadelphia… about lot radio new yorks finest : lot radio is an independent, non-profit, online radio-station live-streaming 24/7 from a reclaimed shipping container on an empty lot in new york. “we got a great deal on the rent”. by nk

he was a construct : an interesting take on who jeffrey epstein really was

jeffrey epstein “math teacher”

leslie wexner billionaire businessman ceo of victorias secret and epsteins only client

eli cohen – syrian mossad agent

jeffrey epstein “financier” – donald trump, evanka trump, jeffrey epstein, ghislaine maxwell – epstein most likely had dirt on donald trump

robert maxwell “news mogul” (foreign spy) and her daughter ghislaine

robert maxwell (ghislaine maxwell’s father) henry kissinger

eric weinstein reveals the terrifying story of meeting jeffrey epstein

interesting take on who the “disgraced financier” jeffrey epstein really was. a financier who worked with no one (but wexler) and had no trace of investment documents. he was a supposed billionaire who’s wealth vanished after his mysterious death, very much like robert maxwell (ghislaine maxwell’s father) whos wealth disappeared after his mysterious death. he mingled with royalty and elite and documented dirt (honey traps) on each to use as collateral but for what?

eric weinstein (not related to harvery weistein) received his phd in mathematical physics from harvard university in 1992 under the supervision of raoul bott. weinstein left academia after stints at the massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) and the hebrew university of jerusalem. weinstein was invited to a colloquium by mathematician marcus du sautoy at oxford university’s clarendon laboratory in may 2013. you can listen to the full interview here. by xy