not only florent was the soul of the meatpacking district, but it was also the best restaurant identity/graphic design in the city. designer tibor kalman traded food against graphic design with florent morellet, the owner of the restaurant and an eccentric figure of the neighborhood. the collaboration came out to be so great and witty that it lasted until kalman passed away in 99′. restaurants surely don’t look like that in the city anymore… by pp.
is the man who is tall happy?
i suppose i have been living under a rock? noam and michel, in an animated conversation? the livelihood of two archetypes in their own respective fields, very exciting. by sv
great ironic work from the master of commercial still life photography. guido mocafico collected over the years some cheap fake perfume bottles he found in various cities street shops and put them in a book. by pp.
“i enjoy long walks on the moon”
french architect jean nouvel creates these rubber and leather boots for ruco line. perfect for your summer getaway in space. i’ll take both. by kd
sympathetic magic
in his artist’s statement from 2013, mark a. reynolds quotes plato when stating, “in the world of shapes and figures something perfect and sublime, to which imagined form those objects not accessible to sensory perception can be related by way of imitation”. i think he sublimely demonstrates that here. above are works from his minor third series, spiritual jukebox series, and the 1.111 series: ode to john cage. by sv
better days: Bill & Hillary Clinton
from this pic looks like bill got lucky first, then hillary ; ) by dd
Cindy sherman – bus series
the first and maybe the most pure example of cindy sherman’s work is the bus series. circa 1976 when the artist was 22 and not discovered yet, it was presented for the first time in new york in 2000. the next body of work from sherman was the still film studies that made her fame. by pp.
Russia by Monika Höfler
aaaah, summer time, nice pix from our friends at here we go now. by uh
fidel castro meets abraham lincoln
“right to citizens privacy is the ninth amendment to the US constitution, don’t fuck that up!” by dd
long hair is back
at least at this salon… by xy
proust’s poetry
“little project of sweet stained glass
to make it was a pain in the ass
on the left are Félicie and Marie
who wash clothes and complain incessantly.
on the right Buninuls cannot open Legras powder
and Binchdinuls comes for alumsinum
Buninuls helps by knee and arms
Binchdinuls is divided by a gothic column
everything here to show Binchdinuls what day it is
not a day goes by without sending a little inscripartus.”
a little known poem and accompanying illustration by the breathtakingly crazed master of wordsmithery. get a copy here. this one is entitled poem 58. by sv
…you just need to. by sv