ping pong mania

have you ever been around dd? if so, you must have heard of ping pong. and ping pong paddles. and ping pong tables. and ping pong. did i already say ping pong?…

check out this ping pong (sorry) table from snarkitecture, a cool studio from brooklyn. by lil

hotel nord-pinus – arles


hotel-nord-pinus-arles-photograph-marilou-daube-12hotel-nord-pinus-arles-photograph-marilou-daube-1hotel-nord-pinus-arles-peter-beardcharlotte-rampling-helmut-newton-arles-nord-pinusprobably one of the nicest hotel in the world in probably one of the nicest place in the world. the grand hotel nord-pinus in Arles used to house the bullfighters when in town for the corridas. miss rampling here was photographed by helmut newton in the bullfighters room where they prepare before the fight and where the crowd cheers them from the balcony before taking them to the arena (the mirror and chairs are still there). the rooms and the hotel are filled with artwork from the likes of peter lindbergh, peter beard to name a few. a must see (must stay) by pp.

quote of the day

“reality doesn’t impress me. i only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, i escape, one way or another. no more walls.”

-anaïs nin, incest: from a journal of love