today, the great french newspaper liberation is being taken over by artist maurizio cattelan’s art publication toilet paper. the mix can only be great and the imagery more relevant than ever. brilliant (love the cover “on french cultural isolation“) more here. by pp.
New York hipsters work harder
Toraya Japanese Confectionery
yummy japanese sweets direct from tokyo… love the paper spoon design, it’s brilliant! you fold it and the fold gives strength and structure to an otherwise paper sheet. happy times by nk
my kind of love story
8.4 Million New Yorkers Suddenly Realize New York City A Horrible Place To Live
“well, fuck that. i don’t need to pay $2,000 a month to share a doghouse-sized apartment with some random craigslist dipshit to prove my worth. i want to live like a goddamn human being.” i could have written that quote. check out this hilarious article. by lil
hard labor – how different the world would be
from the pacific oblivion
daily rainbow. by kl
an immodest proposal
in their 2013 fiction issue, vice magazine is featuring the above pictures in a spread entitled the ever-so-cunning (can you sense my facetiousness yet?) last words. the fashion spread features models, you know, doing model-y things in their haute couture, except here’s the catch: they are depicting female writers who have committed suicide! ah yes, please, let’s procure and solidify even more glorification in this world. women in fashion are not disposable enough, let’s juxtapose that fleeting nature with the timelessness of literature and the written word. is anything valuable anymore? perhaps not. the spread, styled by annette lamothe-ramos and photographed by annabel mehran, depicts charlotte perkins gilman (with the ubiquitous yellow wallpaper, naturally), sanmao (who hung herself with a pair of stockings, so don’t you want a pair too!), virginia woolf (not nicole kidman), sylvia plath, elise cowen, iris chang (who only took her own life in 2004, but fashion leaves no room for the grieving), and dorothy parker, who maybe unbeknownst to vice DID NOT KILL HERSELF despite many attempts. at the end of the day, am i being too harsh to expect more from the world? is this truly surprising when gratification is often at our fingertips? i don’t know. what i do know, is that dorothy parker, one of my idols, deserves better. by sv
da vinci on despair
quote of the day
alice: how long is forever?
white rabbit: sometimes, just one second.
– lewis carroll, through the looking glass