Do Arab citizens of Israel have the same rights and opportunities as other Israelis?

we are all trying to sort out how we got here? the atrocities on oct 7th were hard to take in, followed by more blood and death on the other side, which is also hard to accept. let us try and understand how we got here. why cant these 2 people (palestinians and israelis) live together in peace like they did until they didn’t some 75 years ago?

let us clarify that there are two categories of arabs living there – and they are often referred to “interchangeably”.  they are those 1- the arab-citizens of israel who live in israel proper and those 2- the palestinians living in westbank and gaza who are facing much harsher set of realities such as settlements in west bank and check points across their territory. this article from “council on foreign relations” ( ) refers to the ones living in israel proper as “citizens of israel”.

“council on foreign relations” was established in 1921 and is currently run by michael froman (president) and david rubenstein (chirman).

unedited excerpts :”israel’s declaration of independence recognizes the equality of all the country’s residents, arabs included, but equality is not explicitly enshrined in israel’s basic laws, the closest thing it has to a constitution. some rights groups argue that dozens of laws indirectly or directly discriminate against arabs.

israel’s establishment as an explicitly jewish state is a primary point of contention, with many of the state’s critics arguing that this by nature casts non-jews as second-class citizens with fewer rights. the 1950 law of return, for example, grants all jews, as well as their children, grandchildren, and spouses, the right to move to israel and automatically gain citizenship. non-jews do not have these rights. palestinians and their descendants have no legal right to return to the lands their families held before being displaced in 1948 or 1967.

another major difference is that, unlike the vast majority of jewish israelis, arab citizens do not have to serve in the israel defense forces (IDF), the country’s military. they can still enlist, and some do, especially druze and circassians, but some are stigmatized in their communities as a result. yet, not enlisting can significantly disadvantage them both socially and economically. for instance, many israelis make important and lasting personal connections with their fellow citizens through the idf, and they also receive many financial benefits, such as education assistance and discounted permits for building homes and owning land.”

“statistics from IDI show that arab citizens of israel continue to face structural disadvantages. for example, poorly funded schools in their localities contribute to their attaining lower levels of education and their reduced employment prospects and earning power compared to israeli jews. more than half of the country’s arab families were considered poor in 2020, compared to 40 percent of jewish families. socioeconomic disparities between israel’s jewish and arab citizens are less pronounced in mixed cities, though a government audit in july 2022 found arabs had less access to municipal services in those cities.

a good historic context in the recent history of the conflict and the rise of netanyahu, america & the road to war in gaza (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

gideon levy is an ex IDF soldier and an israeli journalist for the israeli daily haaretz

interview with gigi and bela hadid father mohamed anwar hadid who is from palestine and was born there

arab citizens’ concerns about inequality mounted after israel passed its nation-state law in 2018. among other provisions, the law removed arabic as an official language but gave it a “special status,” declared israel the nation-state of the jewish people, and said the jewish people have a unique “right to exercise national self-determination in the state of israel.” the language left many arabs feeling that their rights as citizens were being undermined.

to address disparities in the so-called arab sector, in 2021, the government approved a $9 billion, five-year plan to boost employment, improve health-care services and housing, and develop infrastructure, among other goals. it followed a similar initiative by the previous prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, who designated more funding for the sector than any of his predecessors, even as he frequently incited anger toward the arab community.” and then there is the west bank and gaza which is another story – the full article currently available here. by xy

Website of the Day | Donald Judd Library



some incredible work by the folks over at chips, friends to the south all the way in brooklyn (shudder). knocked it out of the park with this website. a quick tour through it, made available by the agency, can be viewed here, above.


digital floorplan

a bookcase for ‘japan’


detail view of that bookcase


every single book is listed, has its own data sheet, and is linked on WorldCat to find at your nearest library.


the donald judd foundation put this together, judd’s library is a space rebuilt all over in the desert and now available to us all online. i cannot overemphasize how priceless this work they’ve done is. truly a place to get lost.

here is the website – judd foundation – library – please, please, enjoy! by lsd

Rare Italian Delight : the 1962 Fiat 1600S OSCA

1962 fiat 1600s OSCA

the fiat 1600s ‘osca’ is the result of cooperation between three great names in car history. towards the end of the 50’s the maserati brothers with their osca (officine spezializzata costruzioni automobili) company were looking to transfer their racing expertise into production cars. racing alone did not generate enough income. in 1957 ernesto maserati started to speak to dante giacosa, fiat’s head of development. he put forward an idea to build a lightweight 4-cylinder engine, an idea that appealed to giacosa. fiat at that time, stuck with slow 1100 and 1200cc engines, decided to go ahead with osca’s engines. pinin farina were allowed to design the bodywork and build too. initially they used a 1500cc osca power plant with a 75 hp output, by october ‘62 upgraded to a 1600cc developing for early ‘60’s an admirable 90 hp. the 1600s is pricey and the production numbers remain low with overall about 814 1600s osca’s built. by uh



our dear gp was kind enough to risk great danger and share these encrypted sequences – after much effort, and peril, we’ve uncovered their meanings.

here below is a full transcript of what was shared :


— begin transmission —


on the beach at night alone, directed by hong sangsoo


the worst person in the world, directed by joachim trier


irma vep (tv show), directed by olivier assayas


— end transmission —


take care gp, until then dear friend! by lsd

we should stop throwing words around : on the subject of apartheid and genocide

omer bartov born 1954 is an israeli-born historian

bartov also served as a soldier in the IDF between 1973-1976. he is the samuel pisar professor of holocaust and genocide studies at brown university, where he has taught since 2000. bartov is a noted historian of the holocaust.

“the US holocaust museum has sighted him as one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject of genocide.”

thank you amy goodman and democracy now for this very insightful and informative interview. always good to hear it from an expert. by xy

i’ll tell you what you are… a weekend movie

oldie but goodie: dogville by lars von trier and beanpole by kantemir balagov

two movies we will be watching this weekend. it’s required viewing.

you don’t even know nothing, yah you’re dumb as hell.

we’re smart as fuck. you like stuff for poors.

ok ta ta… lets see if i get reprimanded!!! by lsd


Soul Bossa Nova – Quincy Jones x Rahsaan Roland Kirk 1969

o.k. now that were on the topic of jazz great rahsaan roland kirk

i was pleasantly surprised to learn that this track that we all know, used on austin powers, has the flute which was actually performed by rahsaan roland kirk! i’m shocked but now that i know it, i can hear it! definitely more quincy jones (pop) than roland kirk (jazz). by uh

Rahsaan Roland Kirk : The Case Of The Three Sided Dream

“the case of the three sided dream”

i was updating an old fela kuti clip and showing it to a good friend of mine, and he pulled out this little trailer…. an older documentary i must have missed on the great rahsaan roland kirk. kirk was politically outspoken. during his concerts, between songs he often talked about topical issues, including african-american history and the civil rights movement. his monologues were often laced with satire and absurdist humor. kirk became blind at the age of two, which he said was a result of improper medical treatment. he often played several instruments at once not as a gimmick but rather as a necessity to communicate his layered thoughts. his blindness stifled his life to some extent, but that did not stop him from becoming one of the most influential jazz musicians in history. excited to watch it and thank you my friend for the lead. by uh

History snapshot with 60 minutes archives : before we all went nuts

60 minutes archives

now that xy is on a history lesson trip, here’s a great snippet into the past

before the world lost their mind – and when there was still some hope for peace

they try and make is sound complicated but its really not…

there is a land that 3 religions find sacred. they once all lived together on the same land. they can do so again. if you just stop the dehumanizing language of racism and hate and fucking with one another until one side goes mental. rinse repeat. you have to stop demanding the entire place for yourself, and using civilian terror tactics to win. we need a fair and just mediator as these people have been unable to make peace for 75 years and the way its going there is none in sight. finally, not that there is a god, but if there was one for all you delusional people, no one god gave this land to any one people. if you believe that i gotta a book that gives me everything you got. finally lets be fair, be nice — if you are in charge, find a way to live together and stop calling it a “religious state” for just one of the 3 faiths, or split the land 3 ways or make it a UNESCO world heritage site with no one government ruling it. i’m no politician but you guys are fucking up the entire world over this shit piece of land 90% of us don’t care about… by dd

what is wrong with the palestinians?

a pretty IDF soldier checks our reporter

a deeply personal documentary, dena spends a day in hebron retracing the footsteps of her father, who was born and raised in hebron. our reporter is given a tour by a kind hearted Israeli IDF ex-soldier. it is a look at life before october 7th massacres in the palestinian west bank territories which was and is not controlled by hamas

while these stories of human suffering can be heart breaking, i hope you can see there are good and righteous people everywhere including the IDF which you may believe to be harsh as they defend their country. there are also so many israeli’s who have stood up against the collateral damage that is the killing of innocent woman and children and do not support netanyahu. as long as there is hate and bigotry on either side there will be no peace and both governments are guilty of not delivering that to the good people of each side.

finally this can not be watched without a bit of history on how this country came to be and why. “how israel was created

please educate yourselves by reading and watching multiple sides of the same story and judge for yourself. everything is biased, some are more biased than others. I find these to be factual and fair, but that is me.

if you watch this and you feel hatred in you, you are falling for the trap that is set for us all. understand your world and know that no one people can be all bad or good. there are good people and bad people in every country and culture. if this makes you hate all jews know that you have succumbed to oldest of racist means. you can condemn an act of a government or a group but to assign that guilt to their family and neighborhood and all such people is what we all must condemn. by xy

OCTOBER 2023 PICKS – movies to watch out for


around the office it’s not uncommon to hear the phrase “great things don’t come out every [expletive] fucking year”, often followed by “if you’re lucky, once in a decade – but, i mean, it’s a [expletive] fucking miracle if a generation produces one great thing”, and then maybe an hour and a half lecture on godard or kali malone.

here below are three good movies.


killers of the flower moon, scorsese


priscilla, coppola


anatomy of a fall, triet


go see them, one might make the cut to great. who knows? by lsd

Hallows-eve-come-knocking-into-the-night movies

halloween special suggestions

titane 2021 directed by julia ducournau

the witch 2015 directed by robert eggers

suspiria 2018 directed by luca guadagnino

the lighthouse 2019 directed by robert eggers

goodnight mommy 2015 directed by veronika franz severin fiala

movies for you and your friends to be even more scared than you already are. very spook-k-k-k-ky zoinks scooby! –by lsd