what happened to polaroids?
guess who?
STA: Friday I’m in Love
friday i’m in love. not exactly ‘real’ album covers, but quite good indeed. from surface to air with love. featuring steve mcqueen, sergio amorim, skydive yannick do, breakbot. by dd
iggy pop: original repo man
does one really need much else besides a lovely japanese companion, a futon and a stratocaster? iggz had the right idea. clip from the repo man criterion collection release. by sv
the last one
after being skool’d by sv for reblogging her post, i had to alter it…by lil
get the lead out
onomatopoeia pencils, comic book style. i think ed ruscha would love the first one. by sv
as Hergé once said : “Tout de même, ce n’est pas très rassurant, tout ce noir”
“oil, fortune, dollars, contract, businessman, property, country, crazy, transvestites, city, cars, factories, cars, crisis, sport, world, cars, factories, success”
since we talked about tintin previously with dd’s latest post, i thought i could bring up this experimental comic book from matt madden : “tnt in america”. it isn’t new that some people criticize tintin comics as being violent, cruel and sometimes colonialist. madden chose an artistic way to express his vision of america. he took original editions of the comic “tintin in america”, cut the pages one by one, covered them with a thick layer of black ink, rewrote selected words and added pictograms based on the originals’ actions and speech bubbles. at the end, you can’t really tell exactly what’s going on, but it’s got something to do with violence and america by lil
classically belgian
neuhaus and tintin were destined to cross paths at some point. three diffrent boxes of delectable chocolate, adorned with the quaint characters of the infamous comic strip. i would take this over a feature film any day of the week. get your own here. by dd
channeling amy blue
a bit overzealous, but this week not too far off? let’s all get over it and just listen to rose. by sv
nigel scott – blue
well, that’s just nice. sort of pure. by pp.
a boy named sue: happy birthday superman
i gotta say that i was more of a batman fan than a superman addict and here’s why: first off, batman was a regular chap, he invented his own shit where as superman was born with it. right there you gotta dilemma between a self made man and a silver spooned alien brat. second of all, superman’s color coordination was quite mindless, i mean he took one look at the flag where he landed and put the red white and blue up his ass. lastly he sucked at logo design, i mean come on brother, first initial ‘s’ inside an infantile diamond? now come son (as hl would say), a six year old can do better than that. regardless, i would like to wish him a happy birthday for stopping me from reading any serious books as a small kid. by dd