this looks so enticing right now. away from all the noise and petty bullshit around; here underwater, or there on mars. and you know what’s funny, is that i don’t mean this in a morbid pedantic death kind of a way that everyone takes, these days we simply dont have the capacity to understand pain, we have to act happy or depressed but there is that sweet spot in between where pain is actually beautiful… it is beautiful because in that point, you realize you are actually alive and not on prozac for two minutes. ponder on that for an hour and see if you’ve ever actually been there, even if, as a tourist. by dd
bowie the samurai
david bowie with his samurai sword, can a man get any cooler? i think not. has everyone seen the london v&a show except me by now? i’m very envious. by xy
quote of the day
off the cliff: hunter thompson
donald judd furniture
my room…
what happened to polaroids?
guess who?
STA: Friday I’m in Love
friday i’m in love. not exactly ‘real’ album covers, but quite good indeed. from surface to air with love. featuring steve mcqueen, sergio amorim, skydive yannick do, breakbot. by dd
iggy pop: original repo man
does one really need much else besides a lovely japanese companion, a futon and a stratocaster? iggz had the right idea. clip from the repo man criterion collection release. by sv
the last one
after being skool’d by sv for reblogging her post, i had to alter it…by lil
get the lead out
onomatopoeia pencils, comic book style. i think ed ruscha would love the first one. by sv