what galaxy are you from?

if you know anything about galaxies, you know that they are groupings of stars that number in the hundreds of billions, and that’s just one galaxy. the hubble space telescope (HST) site estimates there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. the most famous (around here that is, on earth) is the milky way galaxy. that’s “kinda” where we’re from. the simple point is that the earth is “part” of the milky way, even though if we see it in the sky it looks like we are observing it from the outside. do you know why that is? because we’re at the very edge of our galaxy. the milky way is a spiral galaxy type, spinning out from the center, so it has arms… sort of like an octopus. the center came first and later it spun. so we, on its edge, are its youngest offspring.

our solar system is just 4.6 billion years old. when our galaxy is 13.7 billion years old.

now do you still think for nine billion years nothing intelligent was born elsewhere in the hundreds of billions of stars in our one galaxy… or maybe in the hundreds of billions of other galaxies (each containing hundreds of billions of stars)? so the chance that we’re alone is near null. in other words, there is a higher probability that life exists out there than it doesn’t. we should be shocked to learn that we’re alone, not the other way around. wow, suddenly scientology makes more sense than christianity (not that i believe in either, i’d run away from any joint that asked me ‘have faith and not question’). well, a few hundred years ago man though the world was flat, just 80 years ago man believed our galaxy was all that there was. even worse they thought our father lived up there in the clouds…. now wait a minute maybe he does. god was just a misunderstood alien, and he lived up there but not in the clouds but in the stars! o.k. i’m going to bed. by dd

nice car mate

caption read something like “asshole with a ferrari dino”… and by the way, don’t ever call me mate. by dd

London V&A museum exhibits David Bowie 22nd march to 11th august 2013

bowie’s dada style cut-up lyrics for ‘blackout’ from ‘heroes’, 1977

i am so bummed that i missed this show while in london, and from what i hear it is incredible. it’s a retrospective on bowie’s million year transformation/life and you are handed an audio device that takes you through the changes. the unit is GPS enabled and you literally walk from one room into the next or simply turn around and suddenly “hear the visuals” come alive with corresponding music, all based on your position or location. if you can… try not to miss it like i did! visitor and ticket info courtesy of gucci why gucci and not hedi? i have no idea? with thanks to luis by uh

Paper passion: Wallpapers perfume book by Karl Lagerfeld

paper passion perfume by steidelpurchased at liberty of london

well this looks very familiar! i think pp and kl may remember that…. i was in london few weeks ago and ran into this little lovely. i haven’t even smelled it yet but i guess i am the book lover they were after. the secret cut out book with hidden perfume bottle is beautifully produced by book publisher steidel. karl lagerfeld added a bit of cred but wall paper ruined the party a bit for me. nice still. by uh