on a shit day, nothing cures more than a little sunshine and some cat power on an amazing sound system. by dd
all my loving
i don’t know why but for some reason this reminds me of the beatles song… as sung by vincent cassel. by xy
Franz Kafka: i am a cage, in search of a bird
and what a cage it is… by dd
exactly this
i want to listen to this and only this, at least for the time being. for my g. love. by sv
Werner Herzog: on love and speed dating with special guest bjork
i cant stop laughing! this is quite a trip for any herzog or bjork fan. my favorite is the bjork bit about the rabbit ears and the haircut and werner is just perfectly done… dry as a bone. well done my fiend! directed by john webb. by dd
like the finest wine
i hope to look half as good at sixty-six. by sv
tea time
a lovely day for a cup of tea with grace and alfred. by sv
take a look around
by ak
Memorias del Subdesarrollo
one of my favorite films of all time… and how i think of it so much in my life, especially at this time. if all this film ever did was what it has done for me it was worth making it. thank you tomás. by dd
T.S. Eliot & Valerie Eliot
photographer unknown. by kl
i think we could all use some yoga this week. by m+m
footwear designs by melisa denizeri
we love the awesome made-to-order shoe designs by up and coming designer melisa denizeri. i’m a fan of the lookbook as well as the shoes themselves. get it before everyone else has it, e-mail info@melisadenizeri.com for orders and prices. by ak