the imperialists are still alive: my first film

saw this film tonight on netflix simply because i liked the poster graphics. after a few minutes in, i was about to skip the film, but then entered the “sweet mexican boy”, jose maria de tavira and i gave him a chance. it’s not a “great” film by any means, but a good first film by a daring woman who tackles a worthy topic.  the film, written and directed by zeina durra, follows french actress elodie bouchez as the jordanian, bosnian, palestinian, french born trustafarian living in NY pursuing what any rich young person would, if they could… art. the artists house maid and the margiela bag sequence are fun little anecdotes in an otherwise paranoid atmosphere. if you are a new yorker you’ll probably recognize some of the usual fixtures and characters in the LES and china town hoods. unfortunately this film does not pass the rigorous test to be posted under our “must see films” but it is a film worth a watch or it wouldn’t even be here. by dd